In AH terms Beaufighter would be inferior to the Mosquito VI in most respects. The Mossie should out climb, out turn and certainly out run it. The Beaufighter was considered a tougher plane, radial-engined and with a stronger airframe. Beaufighters had four Hispanos in the nose and either six wing mounted .303s in the RAF version or four 0.5s in the RAAF version.
The main thing the Beau would have going for it in AH is the option to carry a torpedo. I'll occasionally up a TBM or Ju-88s and try to surprise a task group with a torpedo attack. It is usually suicide of course, but then it often was in RL too. A Beau would make an interesting option to the 88s, only one torp instead of six but it could carry rockets as well as the torp and would have a better chance against fighters.