Author Topic: Why are they leaving?  (Read 11244 times)

Offline Lusche

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #165 on: January 14, 2009, 06:24:28 PM »

2. Announce who killed who as it happens, in semi-realtime, sort of like how WB used to, regardless of whether you live or not.

This would provide instant gratification to those who dogfight who like to see their name "up in lights" but wouldn't require what some perceive as cowardly "running away in the face of multiple enemies." Messages could be like:

SHAWK landed kills of LLAMA, Agent360, and DoubleD


LLAMA was killed, taking WingOver, Condor, and Aztec with him

That would be seriously spamming the text chat. WB had a considerable fewer players than Aces High.
We have >20,000 kills per day in LW arenas, the majority of them during peak hours. That would result in a lot of names racing through the chat window....
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Offline 1Boner

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #166 on: January 14, 2009, 06:25:23 PM »
For a few it is a prime example of why to leave.  More and more people avoid a fight.  They come in NOE, either take the base and wtg each other or all die and look for another easy base to attempt to steal.

You keep talking about Noe missions avoiding a fight, yet you seem to almost deliberatly leave out the plethora of punkstangs etc.that at the 1st sign of an equal fight run for the hills.

One might think you are more than a little biased.

I for one , have almost completely stopped flying in the Lw arenas because of the latter.

So while I can sympathise with your views on Noe missions,( I hate alt/run monkeys as much as you hate Noes) I will add that they are certainly not the only ones using tactics that are probably "annoying" some people to the point of leaving the game.

If I ever have to climb to 20k plus in Ew or Mw to be on an even playing field with people who will just run away at the 1st sign of danger, I too will most likely leave this game entirely.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 06:31:41 PM by 1Boner »
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Offline moot

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #167 on: January 14, 2009, 06:26:29 PM »
as if its not obvious to a 5 year old.  He is saying nobody wants to just walk over a base, its boring.
The real point in asking that rhetorical question went over your head.
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Offline Tr1gg22

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #168 on: January 14, 2009, 06:28:04 PM »
Every single night, without exception, there is more then one person complaining about HOs they line themselves up with. It's putrid and lame. If you don't want to be HOed stopping lining up in the HO. There are a zillion ways to avoid an HO,.. but you have to actually USE them. Whining about it without doing anything yourself just means you're a cry baby. <shrug> I say "you as in people in general, not you yourself. Stop being cry babies and "fly your plane my way or you're a loser". Some people take the game entirely too serious, ralax, humor yourselves, be humble,..enjoy the game. When you enjoy provoking people more then fun in the game you need to check yourself, not others.

wtf did u quote me for on this makes no sense... I have never cryed about hos...I avoid em pretty easy to do..Well when I use to play this cartoon anyhow...Weird :O my post said nothing of a ho :aok
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Offline FlyinFin

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #169 on: January 14, 2009, 07:59:17 PM »
Funny thing is every time I've ever run into you in the MA, you do either one of two things.  You'll either run (which is most of the time) or HO if you can't run. 

Your FOS :)

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #170 on: January 14, 2009, 08:24:02 PM »
Your FOS :)

Nope, each time I've encountered you've done both of those things pretty much every time.  That's why I was initially surprised it was you on our first encounter, never thought you were that timid and expected a better fight.  Sadly, you've disappointed me each time.

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Offline Animl

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #171 on: January 14, 2009, 08:56:40 PM »
wtf did u quote me for on this makes no sense... I have never cryed about hos...I avoid em pretty easy to do..Well when I use to play this cartoon anyhow...Weird :O my post said nothing of a ho :aok

>>> I think it is just because of the same old boring crap...Same basic game same old thing everyday...

I never accused you of anything nor saying anything, I was simply elaborating my POV on the same old boring crap part.
Animl (from the ashes of Air Warrior nation)

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #172 on: January 14, 2009, 09:20:10 PM »
Nope, each time I've encountered you've done both of those things pretty much every time.  That's why I was initially surprised it was you on our first encounter, never thought you were that timid and expected a better fight.  Sadly, you've disappointed me each time.


Check 6. :)

You know I love you both <cough gag cough> :) But is it really all about that? Have we been hangin with the baby seals too long, picking up bad habits?

I say that in jest with the best of intentions.

<ducks from flying projectiles>
Animl (from the ashes of Air Warrior nation)

Offline Black Jack

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #173 on: January 14, 2009, 09:41:02 PM »
I am in no way an Old Timer that's for sure but I'll put in my 2 cents. I have been playing for a little more than 2 years and I've loved this game from the minute i started to play it. I didn't play anything else for the last two years because of the challenge this Air combat simulator brings me. Like Slapshot, I'm also 99% of the time in MWA. I've tried to play a bit in LW when there is less players or fights in MW and I just can't seem to fit in. In Mid War, there is still some hordes attacking the bases sometimes but you can normally find a few smaller fights of 4 vs 4 or so. And very often you can find theses 1 vs 1 too. I agree that the scoring system tends to modify how players are actually playing the game. They will go the easiest path. I think that to keep these old players and be able to still learn from them for a bit we need to think of a way to force people to fight and confront other players to raise the level of skills. The game has to stay a Combat simulator, not a video game. I hope they stay, I'm not done asking them questions.  :salute

Offline doc1kelley

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #174 on: January 14, 2009, 09:43:06 PM »
> BigWeek BBS was spawned and is still up today as far as I know.

yes it is. :)

Animl (who played AW in DOS and waited for pricing to go down before picking it back up in 94-95, and finally permanently in 96.)

And I miss flying with you my old friend... We just flew for fun and that is what is missing here for many of the folks.  I'm on the Bishtard side...hehehhe

All the Best...

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Offline llama

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #175 on: January 14, 2009, 11:04:41 PM »
That would be seriously spamming the text chat. WB had a considerable fewer players than Aces High.
We have >20,000 kills per day in LW arenas, the majority of them during peak hours. That would result in a lot of names racing through the chat window....

So what?

We already have real spam in the form of constant, ceaseless, shrill whining about utter nonsense on CH200.

I suggest we have Mods that are empowered to cut the cr@p that's there. This replaces it, and it serves a purpose: to let anyone's name be "up in lights" for activity, thereby reducing the need for actions that some players consider cheap.


Interesting server at

Offline Animl

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #176 on: January 14, 2009, 11:26:49 PM »
And I miss flying with you my old friend... We just flew for fun and that is what is missing here for many of the folks.  I'm on the Bishtard side...hehehhe

All the Best...


Hey man, :) Life ain't over yet,...if you see me up flick my ear I'll come fly with ya, or fight ya,... whateva.
I've been flyin Rooks since I've been back. Hangin with FlyinFin and Brooke crew, but then took another break. Once in a while flipping sides to fly with Tumor and CorkyJr on the Bish side. CorkyJr still hands me my butt on a sickingly constant basis, I think he has my number. I mean who else would T&B using an A5 on the deck at a base furball, I think that kinda red flags me as insane. <G> Most times I'm flyin solo as I get on late. If you see a 51 or A5 come out of BFE for no apparent reason, it's probably me. :)

And I agree, #1 rule was always Fun 1st.

wondering aimlessly off the edge of the earth,..
But then 3D was so newish then we were just happy to be a part of it. I still remember login into AW1.5 (still have the install files somewhere) and was just completely amazed that world even existed... it was just too cool to be true. I didn't care nor expect winning anything, I was happy to get my plane off the ground, landing was always a lawn dart approach for several weeks, most times being shot down before being a lawn dart. It was just way too fun to be upset about. I was just happy to be a part of it and able to see it grow into this. I don't even think I got my first kill for the first month and the guy was prolly sleeping,.. literally. :) Many a night I found myself passed out over the KB. As lame as the art was compared to today's standards it was the best thing to ever hit the planet earth back then, how could you be upset about that? I think a lot of folks take it all for granted.... just another game, something to break. I still prefer to view it as a sim. I still like the history part of it.

One thing I think some don't understand is. Some of us have been doing this for 10-15+ yrs, and some years before me. But my point is, we haven't been flying for 15-20 years non-stop every day, every year. We take breaks, sometimes as long as a year or two, for me it was 4. I\we know guys here who bailed from AW and showed up here years later. Sometimes they will return married and with first child. But we always find our way back to it. People who were rivals then are welcome sights today, part of the family.

Life still has priorities that need tending, especially at our age. I think CorkyJr will be back, he just needs a break from the "gamers" smelling up the sim and history part of it and tend to new things in his life which he has rightfully prioritized over constant yapping whines that resemble fingernails on a chalkboard. <G> Personally, after all the years he has logged, I find it hard to believe he will stay away from it indefinitely. But ya never know. Maybe some mucked up the community more then I realize.

I realize some peeps here are quite a bit younger then some of us, so some things are expected that go with that, but for those without that excuse, it's prolly time some pulled up their pants and start acting a little more mature about things and quit chasing the good people out with their perpetual broken record venting. No one is impressed by it, no one learns anything from it. If you want something changed, lead by example, their arses will follow.

When you're a good friend with who you fight, you learn MUCH about your own mistakes. Because every single time you are shot down it's your own fault for lack of SA and selecting the right fight.

If you see me up come grab me, I'll play old school with yas, anytime... old friend. :)
Animl (from the ashes of Air Warrior nation)

Offline FlyinFin

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #177 on: January 14, 2009, 11:28:20 PM »
Nope, each time I've encountered you've done both of those things pretty much every time.  That's why I was initially surprised it was you on our first encounter, never thought you were that timid and expected a better fight.  Sadly, you've disappointed me each time.


YES! I have run intto you a total of 3 times 2 times you died and the 3rd you picked me all of the last 5 years.
I would bet that you can ask just about any 1 and find what you say is caca :)

you should get in the arena alittle more  and find out :)

Offline Animl

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #178 on: January 14, 2009, 11:28:42 PM »
So what?

We already have real spam in the form of constant, ceaseless, shrill whining about utter nonsense on CH200.

I suggest we have Mods that are empowered to cut the cr@p that's there. This replaces it, and it serves a purpose: to let anyone's name be "up in lights" for activity, thereby reducing the need for actions that some players consider cheap.


In AW we called that Scrolling, and you got punished for it. :) I know this is not AW,.. but just sayin anyway.
Animl (from the ashes of Air Warrior nation)

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #179 on: January 14, 2009, 11:32:29 PM »

You keep talking about Noe missions avoiding a fight, yet you seem to almost deliberatly leave out the plethora of punkstangs etc.that at the 1st sign of an equal fight run for the hills.

One might think you are more than a little biased.

I for one , have almost completely stopped flying in the Lw arenas because of the latter.

So while I can sympathise with your views on Noe missions,( I hate alt/run monkeys as much as you hate Noes) I will add that they are certainly not the only ones using tactics that are probably "annoying" some people to the point of leaving the game.

If I ever have to climb to 20k plus in Ew or Mw to be on an even playing field with people who will just run away at the 1st sign of danger, I too will most likely leave this game entirely.

You're right, but keep in mind , hopefully, those are newbies.

51 and FW need to extend to retain E. Extending for 2-3 sectors is running,.. or bingo ammo. If you don't like runners, fly a faster plane and gun smoke them anyway. <shrug>

I fixed this reply, but my point is,...not everyone we see is a vet, and sometimes you're exactly right. I've been called a runner before in my 51, until they notice that once I get 1500-2k out or you turn back, whatever distance it takes me to achieve that, I'm turning on ya. I rarely land my plane.

Milk runners also keep those you complain about out of the fun fights. But yes, if you look at it too long it's a sad.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 12:18:01 AM by Animl »
Animl (from the ashes of Air Warrior nation)