I gonna play the devils advocate here. Yes I saw what he was doing, yes I tried to intervien, Yes he eventually turned, but reason I didn't boot him or what ever is he was totally new to the event. At the time, I didn't know he was trying to RTB to the base because I told him he was warping. He did not know U can't rtb to base during KOTH. Had I known that was his intensions, I would have told him to auger. I thought he was just trying to extend but didn't know the 30sec rule. The 30 sec rule I think is fine how it is. KOTH is not a 1 vs 1. What that means U have to watch your SA and expect someone to come in on U while u chasing someone. Technically when running/extending for 30secs, U need to be alrdy turning before the 30secs. If u wait to turn at the 30sec mark, u too late and technically have broken the rule. With that said, U actually have only 20-25 secs to extend/run.
Yes I may have been wrong for letting the new guy slide as he had no Idea aparently what was going on. As for you Bipolar getting shot down while chasing this guy is actually your fault, Lack of SA. If I was chasing him and seen what he was doing and the fact he had no clue to what was going on, I would have broke off him before the other guy attack me to get setup for him. Most people think KOTH has to be 1 vs 1 or U can't pick someone, ganging is not fair, etcc. and thats where they are wrong.
Again, I as a CM, have to look at both sides of the fence, not 1 side.