This one?
Date 29 Oct 1979 Cause: Mechanical Failure Condition D/N Day
Wing/Base: 349MAW/ SUU Location: McMurdo Antarctica IMC/VMC VMC
Tail #: 65-0249 Fatalities: none Fatigue? no
Synopsis: The aircraft suffered a gear malfunction that made it impossible to retract the right main gear. The crew worked a plan for a long-range overwater recovery and safe landing in New Zealand There were no injuries.
From: the lifetime service of the C-141, twenty-one aircraft have been destroyed. By comparison, the USAF has lost over 85 C-130 aircraft and 277 F-16’s.
They have some interesting ones on there.
Didn't find a video on the web, but there is a video:
"MAC 249, What Are Your Intentions?"
[U.S. Air Force:
Produced by 1352nd AVS/DOPV under contract with Aerospace Audiovisual Service MAC for U.S. Air Force
Running time: 20 mm. 30 sees.
An examination of aircrew coordination and teamwork is presented in this training film which can be easily adapted for use with commercial pilots. The Crew of a C-141 Starlifter is confronted with a partially retracted landing gear problem upon takeoff for a trip to New Zealand. At several points during the flight the aviators must confront and solve problems associated with the broken gear.. and the viewer is asked what he would do as well. Because of the complexity of the problem there are numerous alternatives that must be considered, along with the need for acquiring additional information and keeping mindful of fuel-burn in relation to the targeted airport destination. There are natural breaks in the film that allow the CRM coordinator to discuss with seminar participants what they would do if they were the crew aboard the C-I 41. The results of those discussions can then be compared with the actual decisions reached (and results achieved) by the Starlifter aviators as they attempt to complete their mission successfully.