Author Topic: Your just a score guy  (Read 1665 times)

Offline dkff49

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2009, 08:26:15 PM »
sorry it seemes as though you offered your reposts as an arguement to this post

You said AH was a WWII simulation three times.  Shall I repost the quotes?  

I've presented evidence showing that assertion is incorrect.

Oh, sorry you asked repliers to please read the first post...It said nothing of the sort about "a night a week".  As Lushe pointed out that is already offered in the SEA

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Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2009, 08:36:21 PM »
It's already there:  FSO - several hundred players meeting once a week. Teamplay only, squads only, with preflight orders. It's exactly what you are asking for.
Snapshots - 2 per week.
Scenarios - Large Battles with clearly defined objectives, teamplay, chain of command.

I really don't see the reason to shut down the MA for any of this, unless your goal is to force all players to play that way.

No. The MA's are about what you make out of it. You can furball all the time, fly buff missions, grab bases, fly "smart" or "dumb". Wing up with friends & countrymen, or fly lone wolf - all your choice. That's the great thing: all (well, most) styles existing in the same place, offering diversity and enabling most players to switch from style to style just as they like.

um.... There should also be a full capacity; mission oriented arena for the "there's allot of them" people who want a challenge and not the aforementioned turkey shoot unreal tourney game play.  FSO and snap shots and scenarios are not full capacity game play events.  Meaning you cant choose your plane and load out, nor can you go to any field you want.   The "Theres allot of them" folks would like this option.  The option of plane set, load out and only to work as a team.  If they don't like one mission they can choose from another or they can fly with their squad and they can do any thing they want.  The key is that they have to do it together. Thanks for helping me clarify my original suggestion.  No I'm not being cheeky.  salute
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?

Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2009, 08:42:20 PM »
It's been tried. With many different variations. It's fun at first, but it gets old. Quick.
With it being one night, day or whatever is it really going to get old quickly.  Is it going to get as old as A1 where time after time I hear people say I'm done @ A1 I'm done with this map.  a whole tour almost with both arenas being the same darn map and we can't have one mission oriented night a week.  jeez. I'm a successful business owner and I am always trying to improve my product based on what my clients have to say.  Forget the weekly stuff lets try it once and see what the feed back is
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?

Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2009, 08:45:11 PM »
sorry it seemes as though you offered your reposts as an arguement to this post

OK sheriff I give up you got me pinched with the BBS BS. I give up :rofl

This is a response to murdr at the top of the page
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 08:50:00 PM by ToeTag »
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?

Offline dkff49

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2009, 08:50:19 PM »

nobody is saying that it is bad that you like the mission type play, that type of gameplay is available everyday in the MA's. You go into the MA's and at almost any given time you can find someone advertising a mission. Sometimes they are a little too persistent.

The problem most of us have in here is you want things limited to the point that everyone in the arena is limited to flying that way. I really think that limiting peoples gameplay even for one night will cause more harm than good to HT's income.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2009, 08:58:30 PM »

The problem most of us have in here is you want things limited to the point that everyone in the arena is limited to flying that way. I really think that limiting peoples gameplay even for one night will cause more harm than good to HT's income.


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Offline Murdr

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2009, 09:04:04 PM »
This is a response to murdr at the top of the page

Unnecessary response since I already read the posts.

Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2009, 09:06:54 PM »

nobody is saying that it is bad that you like the mission type play, that type of gameplay is available everyday in the MA's. You go into the MA's and at almost any given time you can find someone advertising a mission. Sometimes they are a little too persistent.

The problem most of us have in here is you want things limited to the point that everyone in the arena is limited to flying that way. I really think that limiting peoples gameplay even for one night will cause more harm than good to HT's income.

NO NO NO......If we can have special events like Titanic Tuesdays, Heavy metal Sunday, FSO, snapshots and the like...can we not advertise with the slightest bit of enthusiasm a mission only night? Away from the MA and just see how it pans out. Meaning get feed back from players that have been around the block as well as from those that haven't seen this type of game play and have been here since 2001.  I personally have not and tinkle a bit at the thought of it.  Just a special event arena like the rest and see what happens.  No risk to HTC funding.  No risk to anyone except to try something different and to see if it works.  Same game play, same aircraft set, you just have to fill a mission set before take off.
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?

Offline stodd

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2009, 09:12:35 PM »
Ecleast he's defending his argument and sticking too it.
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.

Offline dkff49

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2009, 09:16:39 PM »
he is persistent

if you can convince the event planners to do it then hey more power to you and as long as it stays in the the SEA, i really have no problem with it.

I used to go on missions in the MA and found it to be very a long way from what I call fun so i stopped participating.

My understanding was that you wanted a MA arena for this "expiriment".
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Offline caldera

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2009, 09:17:33 PM »
NO NO NO......If we can have special events like Titanic Tuesdays, Heavy metal Sunday, FSO, snapshots and the like...can we not advertise with the slightest bit of enthusiasm a mission only night? Away from the MA and just see how it pans out. Meaning get feed back from players that have been around the block as well as from those that haven't seen this type of game play and have been here since 2001.  I personally have not and tinkle a bit at the thought of it.  Just a special event arena like the rest and see what happens.  No risk to HTC funding.  No risk to anyone except to try something different and to see if it works.  Same game play, same aircraft set, you just have to fill a mission set before take off.

How about you spend one night yourself in the AvA or Special Events Arena before forcing everyone else to.  If it's so great, why is everyone in the MAs?  Why are you?
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Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2009, 09:19:02 PM »
Ecleast he's defending his argument and sticking too it.
Yes I'm pawwerfull like that :rofl
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?

Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2009, 09:29:04 PM »
How about you spend one night yourself in the AvA or Special Events Arena before forcing everyone else to.  If it's so great, why is everyone in the MAs?  Why are you?

ummmm....I have and you have to fly a zeke and f4f's to a grid coordinate that has been advertised for two weeks prior and every body on each side knows exactly where you are going to be and at what altitude and if your carring bombs so on and etc......MA is good, not knocking it.  I am a person who likes to achieve and help other achieve.  Just think that this might lead to a positive experience for most and make the score players play harder to earn the positions by team play and teaching not B & Z.  If anything it takes away the no skill score guys and makes everyone learn.  I am no angle I know how to do it and I proved it this tour....Top 50 ...or was today    :rofl
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?

Offline Hazard69

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2009, 02:12:44 AM »
OK first off, apologies since I didn't read all four pages of this thread. But reading the first two pretty much gave me a gist of whats going on....... :rolleyes:

I have been away from the game for nearly four months (until recently) and I agree to the following:

1. No one method of play can be imposed on anyone.
2. Rank and score are pointless as it is.
3. Its not that the furball fighting only attitude ruins play only for the strategic colonizers. Capturing bases (thinking of TT and the center part of the uterus map atm) does the same thing to the people that wanna furball.

So essentially we have people that like to furball, people that like to capture bases, people that like to pad their ranks/scores whether it be by furballing or capturing or any other methods :devil

As for player skill yes it has degraded. I remember that in AH1 a bomb and bail suicide B17 run was an odd occurrence rather than the norm. People use to actually try torpedoing or level or dive bombing :eek: rather than using a lancstuka  :mad: The medium bombers were actually used as air support for GVs, possible since bombers didn't have formations to carpet bomb the field.

I will simply suggest a 5min death penalty (no flying for 5 min) if you die more than 3minutes after you spawned. The 5min penalty is reduced to 4min if you bailed and were captured, 3min if you ditched and were captured, 2min if you bailed successfully over friendly territory and 1min if you successfully ditched in friendly space.
This reduction of course will not apply if there is a enemy cv within 25 or maybe even 12.5 miles of your spawn base at the time of your spawn.

Think that will do more to improve skill in this game than any other mod/implementation. If people can find ways to make a formation of Lancasters do immelmans, I'm sure they can find ways around this too, but wth I had to just chime in with my $0.02.
<S> Hazardus

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Offline Bronk

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2009, 05:19:42 AM »
Counter argument.
Lets remove buffs, gvs, and all strat from the MAs. I feel there is not enough mindless furballling.
 Bases should be placed less than a sector apart, with a 200 mph wind above 10k.

Ohh and just once a week would be nice.


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