Author Topic: Defining bad game-play  (Read 31693 times)

Offline WMLute

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #240 on: April 20, 2009, 05:38:01 PM »

If by "Down and dirty" you mean fight weenie hoards like you and yours and generally racking up 10-20 kills vs. a death or two then I  get down and dirty lots actually.  May I add that I have a blast doing so.  (too bad you can't and probably never will be able to say the same)

If I only die once or twice and rack up 10-20 kills doing so, I "win".  It doesn't matter if the base is saved or captured by the nme, I "won".

What gives me a chuckle is how many times you mass the dweebs, have every advantage possible, and fail.  Y'all fail quite often actually.  For every few bases take you get, I can think of one you failed at.  I will even give you a quasi-compliment that you have become more efficient at taking a base and ensuring little to no Resistance.  You have learned how to achieve success in spite of your shortcomings. 

That would be a compliment if it wasn't for the WAY you have learned to achieve said success.  Dive bombing lancs?  (check)  Kill the FH/VH/BH BEFORE you launch the mission?  (check)  Constant noe mass hoard raids vs. fields that no nme is at?  (check)  You name a lame game style and I have seen you and yours do it time and time again.  Heck, you've refined it. 

If there is a glitch in the game, say dry spawning lvt's, you have gone out of your way to figure out how to pull off that glitch and you use it every chance you can.

It's a shortcut to perceived success.  As I stated above, you might take the base (perceived success) but if you die in droves doing so vs. an opponent you vastly outnumbered in my book that is a failure.

What you remind me of is a pack of 30 6 year olds that ambushed and beat up Mike Tyson because of raw numbers alone.  You jumped him when he wasn't looking and swarmed him.  You then talk smack about it, and go on and on about how "good" you are because you beat up Tyson.  That is until Mr. Tyson catches any of you alone, or in a small group.  Then you are all dead, and dead quick.  Same thing with you and yours in Aces High..  SURE you can brag about what great (snicker) "base takers" you are, but alone or in small numbers you are fodder.  That is the reality of the situation.  You go on and on about something that is skilless, and try to spin it like what you do is difficult or takes something beyond a rudimentary grasp on the game to pull off.

It isn't, and you don't.  Nothing that you do is new, unique, or hasn't been done time and again for 10-20yrs before you ever heard of WW2 flight sims.

And yes, I would place Stang up there with the "Great Ones".  Someone who has forgotten more than you will probably learn about this game.  Somebody you should prob. shut up and listen to.  Someone that earned the respect of the community many times over.  The mere fact that YOU don't know who Stang is is quite telling to me.  It shows me how little you really know.

I will add that the reason we have hardly fought is twofold.  1) You will never man up and fight me in the DA 1 on 1.  It's been offered countless times, and you chicken out every time.  (which is a shame 'cause I could actually show you how to fight)  2) You avoid fighting like the plague.  If the fight is at all "Even" you are generally no where to be found.

Me?  I look for the base with the large nme dar bar and small friendly dar and up.  You?  You avoid that large nme dar bar at all costs.  (which is sad because you never will learn how to fight by avoiding one.  All you are doing is perpetuating your mediocrity)
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Offline bmwgs

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #241 on: April 20, 2009, 05:41:14 PM »
Must be tough sitting on top of that mountain.

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Offline WMLute

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #242 on: April 20, 2009, 05:54:17 PM »
Must be tough sitting on top of that mountain.


The sitting is the dull part. 

It's GETTING there that is fun.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #243 on: April 20, 2009, 06:07:09 PM »
Watch the movie "Idiocracy" and tell me if you see any parallels to in here.

Just watched that movie this last weekend. Sad because of the dumbing down of education that is where we are heading in real life
it seems like to me.

I like to play for fun, been playing for a few years but still not good enough to really care about score. I am a real life pilot and fly
aerobatics in my airplane all the time but still cannot fly these toon airplane that well.
I wish I could get some of the players like Stang, Lynx, Pacerr, SHawk  and some of the other really great AH players to train 1 on 1 with
but so far i only get shot down by them. :lol
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Offline bj229r

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #244 on: April 20, 2009, 06:16:51 PM »
Watch the movie "Idiocracy" and tell me if you see any parallels to in here.

Whordes have what AH needs, because...AH needs whordes...they have, electrolytes

The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections.
There was a time when reading wasn't just for studmuffins. And neither was writing. People wrote books and movies. Movies with stories, that made you care about whose bellybutton it was and why it was farting. And I believe that time can come again!
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Offline Steve

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #245 on: April 20, 2009, 06:32:24 PM »

The reason many of the missions discussed here are lame is because the people who run them are lacking skill.  Most can't fight at all, or are at best "ok".  I know beyond all shadow of a doubt you can't fight worth a hoot dads.  I also know falcon23 isn't much to speak of as a  fighter either.  Being only mediocre or even "poor" fighters, y'all lack the perspective of how accomplish goals based on skill.  You and yours don't capture the number of bases you do because you are particularly "good" at it (read: skilled).  You capture them using raw numbers alone because you lack the ability to do anything else but (read: unskilled).  A base take where I might need 10-12 pilots you need twice that to get the same results.

Well, here's a double edged sword. Let's say these guys are average players. Let's say it takes more average players to take a base than the skilled players you talk about.  Are the average players to refrain from taking bases because they are not elite? Let's say you can take the base with half as many players...that's great but........ so what? You have the benefit of getting in the game sooner than many of the average players. Because they are further down the learning curve, are they somehow less entitled to try to take bases? If they need the numbers to have a good chance at success, should they be deprived of this fun?

You can argue that they need to get better.... OK.  Why can't they try to take bases in the mean time?  While this is going on the skilled pilots can continue to encourage these folks to improve.  The vets can offer advice, training, etc.

 Lute, you know I hold you in high regard but, IMHO, your position smacks of elitism. We need a continuing influx of players to keep the game alive. Discouraging noobs will contribute to the demise of the game.  Yes, I understand you are trying to "show them the way" to improve.. I get it. I think that many of these hordelings are people who enjoy teamwork and the comraderie of a group objective. Many of them would also get slaughtered if they ventured outside the cozy confines of the horde. Some will evolve, some will quit, others will be hordelings for life. I just don't think we should belittle them overmuch... just enough perhaps to encourage them to fly from the nest (horde).   :salute

Lifetime hordelings cannot be cured, they can only be shot down, again, and again, and again.    :aok
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 06:35:02 PM by Steve »
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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #246 on: April 20, 2009, 06:59:51 PM »
Many of them would also get slaughtered if they ventured outside the cozy confines of the horde. Some will evolve, some will quit, others will be hordelings for life. I just don't think we should belittle them overmuch... just enough perhaps to encourage them to fly from the nest (horde).   :salute

Lifetime hordelings cannot be cured, they can only be shot down, again, and again, and again.    :aok
Well said Steve :aok
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Offline falcon23

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #247 on: April 20, 2009, 07:00:11 PM »
WOW,a day at work and people get worked up...

 Any side would of fought to get those bases back..WHY?? because while the FB is going on,there are some rooks somewhere in that mass who are trying to get the port and get the CV back again,they are on every side..This is why bish needed to get back 9 and 10 to protect the areas west of those bases..WHY?? because rooks have people on their side just as every side does who wants to take bases..We are protecting our interests,dont rooks and nits??I bet they do..

 As far as what I said to you fugitive..I have the screenshot of 99% of the convo.

 I never said anything about trying to break up the FB,only that the base needed to be taken back..If taking bases and holding them is not rook priority,then why ruin GV'ers fun by keeping V10,which was just as down and dirty fighting as was at A9..when,if rooks would of given it up,there could of been some "FUN" gv fighting by rooks and bish,But that is not the reason why you guys took 9,and why rooks kept 10...It is because it is LAND which you did not own prior..If the furball between the CV and A9 was such a big deal,and such "FUN"why did rooks keep killing the "FUN" by killing the CV??I know why:
      Because of the natural propensity of sides to MOVE into other territory which they do not own..

    You were only on for that long as you say and then PM me that I am ruining your fun??And that if it is the same in the north,which BTW you guys were fighting nits,that you were going to log off?? and THANKS to ME for ruining your fun???...

  Not ONE BISH was upset that we got 9 and 10 back..why is that?? because it was a detriment for you guys to be that close to our mainland in that area..

  And for the record here is the screenshot I took of our convo...

 Where I am telling you all sides do that,you had spoken to me about not needing that many to take a VBASE,and my reply was that I have no control over the bish,and that a mission had not been posted..

 You guys holler about there not being enough furballs,or AvA is all over the map if that is your true gripe..If it is just that there are many in a mission,well,it is nothing out of the norm for any side to run missions of that sort.. :salute



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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #248 on: April 20, 2009, 07:09:07 PM »

Offline killnu

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #249 on: April 20, 2009, 07:14:21 PM »
good post Lute...and follow up Steve.  I first read this post and figured it to be a troll so the OP could justify his lameness...
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Offline falcon23

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #250 on: April 20, 2009, 07:18:19 PM »
If by "Down and dirty" you mean fight weenie hoards like you and yours and generally racking up 10-20 kills vs. a death or two then I  get down and dirty lots actually.  May I add that I have a blast doing so.  (too bad you can't and probably never will be able to say the same)

If I only die once or twice and rack up 10-20 kills doing so, I "win".  It doesn't matter if the base is saved or captured by the nme, I "won".

 SO lute we each see we have our own defintion of "I WON"

What gives me a chuckle is how many times you mass the dweebs, have every advantage possible, and fail.  Y'all fail quite often actually.  For every few bases take you get, I can think of one you failed at.  I will even give you a quasi-compliment that you have become more efficient at taking a base and ensuring little to no Resistance.  You have learned how to achieve success in spite of your shortcomings. 

That would be a compliment if it wasn't for the WAY you have learned to achieve said success.  Dive bombing lancs?  (check)  Kill the FH/VH/BH BEFORE you launch the mission?  (check)  Constant noe mass hoard raids vs. fields that no nme is at?  (check)  You name a lame game style and I have seen you and yours do it time and time again.  Heck, you've refined it. 

 WOW lute,you just posted about what every country does..

If there is a glitch in the game, say dry spawning lvt's, you have gone out of your way to figure out how to pull off that glitch and you use it every chance you can.

  AGAIN,you quote what every country does..

It's a shortcut to perceived success.  As I stated above, you might take the base (perceived success) but if you die in droves doing so vs. an opponent you vastly outnumbered in my book that is a failure.

What you remind me of is a pack of 30 6 year olds that ambushed and beat up Mike Tyson because of raw numbers alone.  You jumped him when he wasn't looking and swarmed him.  You then talk smack about it, and go on and on about how "good" you are because you beat up Tyson.  That is until Mr. Tyson catches any of you alone, or in a small group.  Then you are all dead, and dead quick.  Same thing with you and yours in Aces High..  SURE you can brag about what great (snicker) "base takers" you are, but alone or in small numbers you are fodder.  That is the reality of the situation.  You go on and on about something that is skilless, and try to spin it like what you do is difficult or takes something beyond a rudimentary grasp on the game to pull off.

It isn't, and you don't.  Nothing that you do is new, unique, or hasn't been done time and again for 10-20yrs before you ever heard of WW2 flight sims.

 10-20 years it has been going on,so now everyone just expects it to stop?? It will always happen,missions with many,missions with few..rooks,nits,bish,all fly missions regularly,and some % fails..That is nothing new either..

And yes, I would place Stang up there with the "Great Ones".  Someone who has forgotten more than you will probably learn about this game.  Somebody you should prob. shut up and listen to.  Someone that earned the respect of the community many times over.  The mere fact that YOU don't know who Stang is is quite telling to me.  It shows me how little you really know.

I will add that the reason we have hardly fought is twofold.  1) You will never man up and fight me in the DA 1 on 1.  It's been offered countless times, and you chicken out every time.  (which is a shame 'cause I could actually show you how to fight)  2) You avoid fighting like the plague.  If the fight is at all "Even" you are generally no where to be found.

Me?  I look for the base with the large nme dar bar and small friendly dar and up.  You?  You avoid that large nme dar bar at all costs.  (which is sad because you never will learn how to fight by avoiding one.  All you are doing is perpetuating your mediocrity)

   NOw we get to the real reason for the attack on dadsguns,you are getting personal,that he wont fight you in the DA...

Offline waystin2

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #251 on: April 20, 2009, 07:20:39 PM »
Cool we can now PM folks directly to let them know that they are the reason I no longer enjoy Aces High.  PUH-LEEEZE.... Logging because of one person that you have behaviors you do not care for, is crazy.  I sincerely do not understand it.  It comes off as poutish to say the least.  Maybe it is time to move on to something else, or change your own game play.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 07:22:31 PM by waystin2 »
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Offline LLogann

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #252 on: April 20, 2009, 09:15:40 PM »
Check Rule Something......

« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 09:20:10 PM by LLogann »
See Rule #4
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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #253 on: April 20, 2009, 09:19:22 PM »

What is missing:

"MOM!!!!!!!!! So-and-so pooped in the bathtub!!!!"

In essence, all three of my sons have less articulate, but similar arguments.
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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #254 on: April 20, 2009, 09:27:37 PM »

its gettin crazy in here :lol
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