Aces High 2 presents...Real Men of Combat.
"Reaaaal Mennn of Commmbaaaaaaat."
Today we salute you, Mr. Armchair CV General.
"Mr. Arrrrrmchaaaair CeeVee Gennnnneraaaallll!"
Tough decisions are made every day, and commanding a carrier group isn't easy.
Especially've never done it.
"I sawwwwww Top Guuuuunnnnnn!"
No one can understand the pressure you face, drawing out lines on a map.
Anyone who second guesses you can take refuge in the fact you've read a few Tom Clancy novels.
"I knoooowwww what I'm doooooooing!"
The edges and corners of the map are your battlefields. The silence of warning sirens your serenade.
You know that the secret to the carrier not using it.
"I caaaaaaan't take the viiiiiiolence!"
On your next cruise, you tell those backseat CV commanders they're not fit to lead that vessel.
Because you're out of uniform when you're not in pajamas with a bowl of Cap'n Crunch.
"Mr. Arrrrrmchaaaair CeeVee Gennnnneraaaallll!"