Vikings were all things but just Norse. And their culture spans hundreds of years. You are talking about an area from Iceland to the borders (or more) of Russia, and all the way down Denmark into modern Germany (?). Normans, what were they, or rather, where did they come from.
But well, go a bit narrower and define the more Scandinavian area as well as before Christianity, and you are ending the definition around 1000 AC. All depends, there were raids done well after that I belive. And battles.
Bringing us to Hastings, the English would have held if the troops hadn't been worn from the battles on the east coast.
BTW, there have been swords found near from where I live as well. And as a sidenote, from our sagas, the weapons of the best (the best would typically be those who had "gone viking", i.e. sailed away for fights and piracy and/or serving the Norwegian King) are often described as something that would be rather like a Pike or possibly a voulge. (sp etc). Stab or hack. At a good distance. Secondary weapons usually available.