Hello Everyone <
Are you not getting your $14.95 worth out of the game?
Here is another option to extend you playing enjoyment, A.H.X.A.R.L. (Aces High Extreme Air Racing League).
Our next season begins on May 26th, 2009 and will run for 12 weeks. It is eleven regular weeks with the final week being a finale race. The league loosely resembles a NASCAR type format with points awarded for individuals and accumulative team points as well. You don’t have to be a registered player nor is it mandatory for you to be on a team. Walk-on’s are always welcomed.
The races are every Tuesday night starting at 10 pm promptly U.S. Eastern Time Zone (You can do the time zone math breakdowns from there
). Events are run in the SEA I arena and are usually up for practice on Monday nights. The race course is also usually posted by the weekend with all the particulars if you desire to practice off-line.
I have raced for a few seasons now and have enjoyed meeting new individuals from all walks of life both friendly (Bishlanders) and opponents as well. This league has not only helped me with meeting new friends but it has also increased my positive game play in the main arenas. How so you may ask? The helpful hints by various competitors as well as flying a multitude of the aircraft. Do you ever get annoyed at that “ENY” thing like most of us do? Well, with the various plane choices that are made, you will be able to handle most any aircraft on the list when you HAVE to choose it in the MA’s since the odds are likely that we pretty much fly everything over the course of a couple of seasons. We fly through, around and under so many types of obstacles at incredible speeds. You just have to experience it to enjoy it.
Check us out in the Special Events Forums. Hope to see you there soon! <
A.K.A. === SpeilDogFujiMiagiSan....The film is rollin'