funny you should post this, I had a relevant sortie yesterday - upped from a field to see a 190D storming in at low alt. 1 pass to gun the ammo bunkers down, egressed out of ack range then bailed. Gold-standard lamery in my book. I then noticed that the ords were still up at our other base on that island and decided to do a little dweeb-stalking.
Climbed my VIII the sector or so to our other base and turned north at 10k level. lo and behold I see a dot on dar coming from the north, WEP on and intercept course to see him very fast at 5k or so. started my descending turn while he was still out of icon range and he passed under me some 2k and 5 miles out from the field. shallow dive, still WEPing to about 470mph, managed to get to d600 and removed his tail with a generous burst of 20mm
just before he got in gun range of the ords. thanks Angels10, that was easily my most satisfying kill of this tour