Author Topic: Why dont more people play axis v allies  (Read 5292 times)

Offline DrDea

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #135 on: June 19, 2009, 08:04:08 PM »
I have to disagree with you there dea. Most people don't fly there becuase there isn't anyone there. Only few people(spouting off on the BBS) actually say that
Theres no one there because they dont WANT to be there.This catch 22 you guys feel is the reason is just wishful thinking on your part. Ya just dont get that. Maybe the crappy attitudes have changed,maybe they havent,but as long as the same people are perceived to be leading the way its gonna end up with the same results.
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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #136 on: June 19, 2009, 08:16:42 PM »
So that is the only real reason I don't fly in the AvA too?


Must be mine as well.  Silly me, all this time I thought it was because by the time I get home from work and fly, there is no one in the AvA arena.  I'm glad Larry was here to set me straight.

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Offline shreck

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #137 on: June 19, 2009, 08:18:34 PM »
When the AvA was new I would go in there once in awhile, Then it slowly became a PIKHOVULCHFEST just like the MAs! I stayed out for awhile then returned when the muppets and the UF were chalenged by jg54! The second I arrived squadies were complainin that they were being HOed relentlessly, in fact my 1st sortie I was "straight up" dirty HOed  :aok
The set up was as follows WE were US iron vs German iron! Navy rides were all that was worth upping to avoid a prolonged flight to target! The CVs were about 2 clicks off shore and the LUFTWABBLE was in the predictale and very "MA ARENA" position to punk any plane to gain even a small amount of alt! When I did get a little alt and got past the pikhorde just outside CV ack range I found luftwabble hugging ack and some coming back from climbing to the moon in opposite direction after launch!
As far as I can see the challenge was a set up and pretty sad, muppets were actually flying with jg54 (although m00t may have been the only one)
It looks to me like a set-up arena and really not for a good fair historical match-up! I was very suprised just how MA like it was, the only diff being plane choice being limited in the AvA.

So far as your statement about 45' rides goes larry, well-------> BAH! I fly 38G most of the time  :aok

A slight attitude change and a little humility may go a long way to help promote your desire in the AvA! Also being "above board" on the generally accepted tardish gameplay wouldn't hurt you guys either  :aok

Why don't you guys set up missions at specific dates and times? spend your BBs energy promoting these instead of ranting against everyone who doesn't see it your way :aok  I would bet your success rate in attracting participation would go up immeasurably :aok :aok   :salute
« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 08:28:24 PM by shreck »

Offline fudgums

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #138 on: June 19, 2009, 08:22:12 PM »
My momma told me if you don't have anything to say don't say anything at all.                And this isn't coming from 10 year olds. Its coming from grown adults. all I can say now is wow
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Offline Dawger

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #139 on: June 19, 2009, 08:35:19 PM »
The quest for an historical arena is about half the reason I've been flying online for well over a decade. Many, many moons ago a different game had an excellent historical arena and it was quite popular for a brief moment in time and then it became drearily similar to the AvA. Since then I have hoped for a return engagement. It has been a rather quixotic journey.

The AvA is a pale shadow of that ideal with no real hope of ever changing.

Hitech makes it quite clear that he doesn't believe in the concept. It is antithetical to his business model (And he is right, most folks don't really want historical re-creation even if they say they do)

Thus he allows the AvA to fester in its current malignant iteration because it validates his conclusions.

The primary market is Late War, All planes for all sides. That is where the money is. Always has been and always will be.

I believe there is a niche market for those interested in historical re-creation in a 24/7 arena, maybe 5 percent of the player base, but it requires HTC finding and supporting a player staff that is focused on providing a vibrant, attractive arena.

What the AvA is now is a small pond with a few big fish that like it that way and some folks that genuinely want to grow the arena. The two groups are in constant tension. Without direct guidance from HTC it will remain this way.

The AVA is BETTER than it used to be but it still isn't an attractive arena. It will not be attractive until the problems are addressed that make it unattractive.

There is a simple list of items that could be done that would start to reverse the trend but I won't bother.

This ain't my first rodeo. It is quite amusing how this particular situation remains unchanged across years and different games.

Offline DrDea

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #140 on: June 19, 2009, 08:42:19 PM »
My momma told me if you don't have anything to say don't say anything at all.                And this isn't coming from 10 year olds. Its coming from grown adults. all I can say now is wow
Yea and My mom told me to always tell it like ya see it. Bury your head in the sand.The problems still wont go away till the AVA is flushed.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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Offline Larry

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #141 on: June 19, 2009, 08:44:06 PM »
More full fights tonight. Sad to say none of the people bashing in this thread were in there. I wonder if they will ever fly there.

Shreck you are just sad. YOUR squad was vulching and ganging us and you dare whine that we HOed you while you were doing it? Hell yes I'm going to HO when I'm getting ganged by 4 people no matter what arena I'm in. Same goes for vulching. For most of the night LW was out numbered 2:1 by F4Us and spits. You really need to get real and stop making it out like you did nothing wrong.
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Offline APDrone

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #142 on: June 19, 2009, 08:47:05 PM »

HT I'm sorry to say but the only real reason people don't fly the AvA is because they cant always get their uber '45 plane.  


Occasionally I'll pop in to the AvA arena and my thought process is thus:

I know enough about history to realize, generally, what planes are going to do what to whom.  The question remains, then, would my adversary be skilled enough to use them or could they possibly suck as bad as I.  

Case in point:  yesterday I entered the arena.. noticed the plane choices-late war American vs. LW., noted that there was a single axis flyer in the air,  I chose the 47D-11 and took off from an airfield that was closest to the only opponent ( as indicated by the red dar bar ).  I promptly had my butt handed to me by a 109 something.. G, maybe.. I did manage to get him to collide with me, but only after losing the turn fight miserably.    So I upped the next logical ( for me, anyway ) plane.. the P38J.. and got my butt handed to me again by the same guy.  I looked at the menu for his next meal and saw no other plane that stood a chance against him. Fortunately, I had a church meeting so I could quietly log out and go about my RL business shortly afterwards.. secure in the reafirmation of my complete suckage.  

In a case like this, it boils down to the same reason I don't play cards.  I suck at cards because of the chance factor.  If I roll a plane that is good for killing bombers ( 190 A-8, in particular ) I will only encounter LAs, Spits and Ponys.  If I up a good plane for dogfighting ( A6M5 ) I will encounter bombers.  If I launch an uber plane, I will encounter an uber adversary.  Luck of the draw.

So.. I'll wander in when I'm feeling comfortable enough in my suckage to handle the disappointment.  Otherwise, I'll just go bomb something or defend a fleet in the puffy ack guns.



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Offline Larry

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #143 on: June 19, 2009, 08:50:24 PM »

Occasionally I'll pop in to the AvA arena and my thought process is thus:

I know enough about history to realize, generally, what planes are going to do what to whom.  The question remains, then, would my adversary be skilled enough to use them or could they possibly suck as bad as I.  

Case in point:  yesterday I entered the arena.. noticed the plane choices-late war American vs. LW., noted that there was a single axis flyer in the air,  I chose the 47D-11 and took off from an airfield that was closest to the only opponent ( as indicated by the red dar bar ).  I promptly had my butt handed to me by a 109 something.. G, maybe.. I did manage to get him to collide with me, but only after losing the turn fight miserably.    So I upped the next logical ( for me, anyway ) plane.. the P38J.. and got my butt handed to me again by the same guy.  I looked at the menu for his next meal and saw no other plane that stood a chance against him. Fortunately, I had a church meeting so I could quietly log out and go about my RL business shortly afterwards.. secure in the reafirmation of my complete suckage.  

In a case like this, it boils down to the same reason I don't play cards.  I suck at cards because of the chance factor.  If I roll a plane that is good for killing bombers ( 190 A-8, in particular ) I will only encounter LAs, Spits and Ponys.  If I up a good plane for dogfighting ( A6M5 ) I will encounter bombers.  If I launch an uber plane, I will encounter an uber adversary.  Luck of the draw.

So.. I'll wander in when I'm feeling comfortable enough in my suckage to handle the disappointment.  Otherwise, I'll just go bomb something or defend a fleet in the puffy ack guns.

So are you saying that you dont like it because you get killed to much?
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
JG 54 "Grünherz"
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Offline APDrone

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #144 on: June 19, 2009, 08:56:16 PM »
So are you saying that you dont like it because you get killed to much?

No, I can't say that.. because the response would be 'then get better, silly'.. to which I would have to reply how I know I'll never get good because I don't have the time, talent, nor most importantly, the desire, to get any better.

I think the lack of options in how I'm going to die might better describe it. Or maybe the odds of having different executioners.

I really find no thrill fighting the same guy over and over.  Even if I were victorious. 

Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group

Offline Larry

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #145 on: June 19, 2009, 09:06:09 PM »
No, I can't say that.. because the response would be 'then get better, silly'..

No not really. There have been many times where Iv seen people help others out in the AvA. Iv even done it a few times myself. Most of the time if you ask 'what did I do wrong' or ' what could I have done to survive longer' the other person will help you out. The arena is filled with blood thirsty savages like these people would like you to think. Just normal people looking for a good fight.
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
JG 54 "Grünherz"
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Offline B4Buster

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #146 on: June 19, 2009, 09:51:47 PM »
It has been my opinion that you don't give up anythinf flying in the AvA. It's a fun experience.

Wednesday night Larry launched a B-17 mission. We were cruising up at 15K when 2 or 3 Fws made a head on pass at our bomber bow. It was really cool to see them coming at us and weaving through the formation on their pass.

I'm not going to lie. Not all AvA matchups are even. Perhaps that is what you mean when you ask what you give up (really not sure exactly what you meant). If someone is the type of person who feels the need to have the plane advantage everytime they up, then no the AvA probably isn't for them. I for one love being at a disadvantage. No different than in the MAs. 9 times out of 10 I'm fighting someone higher, with a superior plane, with more numbers, and on many occasions all three advantages combined! Now not every plane set is lop sided. Belive me alot of thought and consideration goes into the setups every week. We do what we can to make it so they're as even as possible with the limited plane set (and as even as they can be)

I played Janes before I decided to go online with my WW2 flight sim experience. The prospect of flying my favorite American planes versus German iron, or Japanese fire starter was appealing to me. I quickly found out it can be difficult to find that. I was drawn to the AvA and got hooked. I don't care if the matchup is even (heck I fly a B-38 around in the MA). I just want to have fun. The AvA is fun to me.

Sorry for the novel, was trying to cover some of the "AvA downfalls" so many speak about  :lol
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Offline moot

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #147 on: June 19, 2009, 11:10:06 PM »
I have a very different question, why would anyone want to go to the AVA. I am not being facetious, try come up with real reasons.

Historical match ups not restricted to events' schedule.  That's a huge draw.. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what the promise of CT was.
What things do you give up so that you can have historical match ups.
Just about anything.. E.G. No or limited cross country comms, a kill message system that worked not in real time but only confirmed the in-flight "possible kills" on a kill board once you were back on the ground would be ok.  Flying only per scheduled sortie system could be tolerable too.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 11:15:29 PM by moot »
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running very fast
I squish you

Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #148 on: June 19, 2009, 11:29:59 PM »
Only 1 more question.

What things do you give up so that you can have historical match ups.


I give up:
1. The ability to fly any aircraft to immerse myself in a historical situation to simulate what a real WWII fighter pilot faced.
2. Tactical advantage of flying the easy aircraft from a list, vs what the historical situation was at the time.
3. Main Arena style engagements of 20 vs 30 around an airfield to 3 Spit V's vs 3 Bf-109F-4 over the English Channel or flying my Ju-88 formation into a horde of Spit I's and Hurri I's.
4. MA style engagements of being slammed by a La-7, Spits, and Mustangs to fly a Zeke or Frank against P-38's, Corsairs, or Thunderbolts in historical PTO.
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Offline antivortex

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Re: Why dont more people play axis v allies
« Reply #149 on: June 19, 2009, 11:30:38 PM »

What things do you give up so that you can have historical match ups.


You give up the ability to choose flying any plane you want.

Your also going to give up numbers, I believe only the 'hard core' AHers really care about the historical matchups.

Your also going to have to make comprimises on aircraft choice seeing as we have limits there too in terms of matchups.

See Rule #4