I had my first game crash in like 3 or 4 years today in the COral Sea Scenario frame 3, after having perfect game running for well over 2 1/2 hrs.....
Early in the Frame - Fencer's Fighter Group experienced a "mass Crash or CTD or Lockup" to a bunch of people at the exact same time
then it happened again with just 30 minutes +/- left in the frame to a bunch of us
also last night in the FSO, there was report of a mass crash on peoples systems where they were CTD'ed or Locked up game etc.......
something is wrong, or it could be something with the SEA arenas or terrians.......
maybe a possible bug near a port perhaps?
might be worthy to report :
what arena,
what terrian,
what time,
what Sector fo the map or near what port or base
and maybe include your DXDIAG....although I am thinking it is a Bug in the Terrian or Map .....