"Lets watch it with throwing around the white trash comments."
REALLY! Come on.
I mean when you look at the pictures of those people on that website it's self-
explanatory and all we can do is kind of just nod knowingly (and snicker)
IMO there's nothing wrong with Walmart. IMO retailers have set out take as
much money out of my wallet as they can but it's my duty to keep as much of it
out of their hands as I possibly can. I don't like the clothes or electronics at
Walmart. And most of the stuff in the hardware section (cept some paints) is
absolute bottom of the barrel crap. But all of our laundry detergent, paper goods,
cereal and dry goods as well as personal hiegene stuff comes from them. Why
throw your money away spending more for the same exact things at other stores?
for example, people go out of thier way to save 5 cents on a gallon of gas. So
why spend a $1 or $2 more for a case of Scotts toilet paper somewhere besides
(note: I dislike Lowe's and Home Depot mainly because the sell the same crap
at each store and it's often what they call "contractor grade" which is junk. Most
of the time I fnd a better selection and grade of hardware at True Value or other
local HW stores and at just about the same price. Or if different it is worth the