I did not say Boelcke would encourage anyone to go HO, I said many might interpret it that way. That is because HO seems to mean so many differetn things
Still those 2 rules can often/sometimes lead to possible HO situations, can't they? The first to attack follows no 2 and the one being attacked follows no 6.
I personally dont follow no 2 to the letter. I often fake attacks and break the attack if the situation does not seem favorable, but there is a certain point, beyond which no 2 should be followed, even if it becomes a HO. By trying to evade I have often lost in such situation.
More often I follow no 6. That may cause an HO and it leaves the decision to the attackers hands.
I suppose many parts of Dicta Boelcke can also be interpreted in various ways... as more general or as exact tactical moves. Is "attack" an engagement or a pass? "Turning into the enemy" is not same as going nose on with him, but only means what... hanging around instead of runing?