Author Topic: Furballers VS Base Takers  (Read 34683 times)

Offline Delirium

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #735 on: December 30, 2009, 08:23:10 PM »
Never expected to see this much drama coming from a community that is 99% men and based on a WWII flight sim.
80th "Headhunters"
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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #736 on: December 30, 2009, 08:30:34 PM »
I say furby's win  :aok
in loving memory of OZ <Eagles21>
 miss you bro!

Offline cattb

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #737 on: December 30, 2009, 08:56:23 PM »
No offence Twitchy but you're acting like a teenage girl who just had her cell-phone taken away.  :rofl  :rofl :rofl

Hate to say it, Both sides are  

:Salute Easy8 EEK GUS Betty

Offline DrDea

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #738 on: December 30, 2009, 08:58:31 PM »
 Twity,I think you should have the name.That being said,as soon as you got back you hit the forums like a 12 yr old on crack and extasy sounding like the biggest dip s***t on the planet. The POTW name has been so tarnished,I dont know why they DONT give it to you but be that as it may,they wont.Perhaps YOU should just move on. Take a stab at being the bigger <cough> man.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #739 on: December 30, 2009, 09:27:35 PM »

"Tonight...on As the BBS turns.....  Will Twitchy finally win support.....Will syko come in a take the Twitch out of twitchy and make him Steady? Or will Twitchy become full blown terrets? Will the Pigs finally deliver the bacon....Will the new pigs be fatter and stink more? Will Skuzzy finally get his monitor cleaned from all the coffee spewed in laughter at a bunch of grown men arguing over a make believe war game name and nail this thread shut? Find out tonight in this episode of....

As the BBS turns...."

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Offline twitchy

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #740 on: December 31, 2009, 01:58:44 AM »
Twity,I think you should have the name.
Believe it or not, that's all I'm after. It's a pretty simple solution really, and something that I was under the impression was already in the works. Yeah it probably does seem petty to alot of you and I understand that, but it's important to me and it's not something I'm just going to walk away from when the solution is as simple as comming up with their OWN name.
I'm calling out Syko, Waystin2, and Krupsinki, the respective squad Co's to do the right thing and simply come up with another name to call themselves, that's pretty easily accomplished... if the spirit is willing, then the flesh hath the strength of ten, plenty enough to click that squad name box and type something else in there.
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Offline DaddyAck

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #741 on: December 31, 2009, 03:23:59 AM »
Look at this thread. I am at work at my cube and reading this laughing my butt off. Y'all are too much. Perhaps I need to check these boards more often.  :rofl

Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #742 on: December 31, 2009, 03:36:28 AM »
im bout ready to pay for "female entertainment" for someone at HTC if they'll lock this damn thread.

Reading this makes my bowels move  :rolleyes:
R.I.P. T.E.Moore (Dad) 9-9-45 - 7-16-10.
R.I.P. Wes Poss  (Best Friend) 11-14-75 - 5-2-14

Offline twitchy

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #743 on: December 31, 2009, 04:57:47 AM »
lock this damn thread....Reading this ...
You don't have to read it Bipolar, that's the beauty of it. Start your own 'Hey I'm a jerk' thread and I'll hop on yours and complain incessantly about it. I love these guys that get on a thread and complain about how long it is as they click the reply button. Do you really care about the topic here, or are you just smacken em cause there's about 49 thousand three hundred and something other threads in this forum alone you can smack your gums on and not have to hear a word about it.
The reason this thread is still going is because those hosers are still hijacking my squad name, it's not to entertain you, sorry I know that conflicts with your understanding about the center of the known YOUniverse.
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Offline MadHatter

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #744 on: December 31, 2009, 06:23:27 AM »
***Pilot Duress signal blares throughout the base. Through the window a lone B-17 is seen making it's descent; half a wing missing and 2 engines smoking. As it touches down the nose gear collapses, the loud screech of grinding metal resonates throughout the dayroom. A billowing cloud of dirt and debris blocks the view from the window as the stricken Fortress slides to a halt. A few moments later, footsteps are heard racing up the stairs. The pilot enters the room, his cap kicked back and the look of urgency permeates his face. He scans the room once and says.........

                                                                                42 purples, since Ice Cream has no bones
because if you're flying down the highway in your canoe doing 65 miles an hour when a wheel falls off, that's how many pancakes it would take to cover a dog house. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

If this did not make any sense to you whatsoever, do not be alarmed. Neither does this thread. If this made perfect sense to you, please report to Section 8 immediately, thank you

 :salute  :neener:  :bolt:
CO 81st Bomb Wing "Pogues"
"Carpet bombing is 100% accurate, the bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground."

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #745 on: December 31, 2009, 07:54:37 AM »
You don't have to read it Bipolar, that's the beauty of it. Start your own 'Hey I'm a jerk' thread and I'll hop on yours

the problem is that once one responds to a thread, it moves up to tht top of the list if there were respinses.

i cannot for the life of me believe that you have so little in your real life(do you have one?) that you're so friggin worried about a Golly-gee namd.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #746 on: December 31, 2009, 09:33:28 AM »
It's not a dead horse, their still squatting on my squad name, thanks for playing though. They change their name to something original, and then it's a dead horse. I hope this simple logic doesn't escape you Mazz  :lol

In all candor, sir, you are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the dumbest individuals I have yet had the displeasure of coming across.

I made a brief attempt to consider the use of a word more elegant than "dumb" but could identify no synonym fit enough to so accurately describe your complete lack of anything even remotely approaching the ability to reason with this "logic" of which you speak.

Do not presume to dictate anything to me, sir.  You are a twit.

Offline bravoa8

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #747 on: December 31, 2009, 09:37:10 AM »
*yaaaawwwwwwn* Here we go again...

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #748 on: December 31, 2009, 09:50:03 AM »
I picture someone jobless sitting in his Mom's basement with a generous fluorescent light tan eating doritos.

"gimme dat or I'll pixilate you"

80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline hitech

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Re: Furballers VS Base Takers
« Reply #749 on: December 31, 2009, 09:52:20 AM »
I believe this thread has run it's course.

For the record no one has any right to a be in any squad, nor the name of a squad.

I.E. you start a squad, after a number of years all squad members mutiny leave your squad, and start another with the same name, it sucks to be you.
