I have a question for those who have been around longer than I in the game and when I searched it I did not find anything unless I entered incorrect search query info. In this game what is the determining factor in the (we shall call it) penetration capabilities of the guns on the GV’s? What I mean is for example on the M4 historically it had two types of rounds: (1) APCBC or Armor Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped, and (2) APDS or Armor Piercing, Discarding Sabot. Below is some data showing the penetration data of the gun by round type at different ranges (granted I found variances in the data but I took the higher numbers for simplicity:
Round 500m/457m 1000yds/914m 2000yds/1828m
APCBC 140mm 131mm 111mm
APDS 209mm 192mm 161mm
Now with that said I have been the victim as well as others who have had a Tiger vs. M4 engagement where I am in excess of 2500yds/m. Now as range increases the M4 should not penetrate the Tiger armor if the APCBC round was used. But can we assume that HTC models the gun according to the maximum penetration of the APDS round?? I guess what I am saying is that in the game the M4’s AP rounds are the equivalent to the APDS as it can penetrate the Tiger’s armor at range in exces of 2500? If the APCBC was used in the game it would make for some interesting tactical changes to the way the M4 is used as anything over the 2000yd/m mark would put the Tiger at an advantage due to the drop in penetration. I hope you get at what I am asking?? I am just trying to confirm or deny what the train of thought is so I can adjust my tactics to the round penetration ratio.