Here’s how I experience p51/109 matchup in Aces High.
109 can’t catch p51 in straight level chase with reasonable fuel loads for both planes ! Period.
If p51 and 109 both start from low or medium speed, 109 will outaccelerate p51 and catch it. Try to measure time needed for 109 and p51 to reach top speed from 150 IAS or so.
If p51 goes into even shallow climb, 109 will catch it.
If fleeing p51 deflects control surfaces, forgets about coordinated flight or the plane is out of trim, 109 flying coordinated will catch it.
If 109 lead turns p51 who is stupid enough not to dive away, 109 will catch it.
Usually when p51 realizes 109 is catching up, it does a Split S or, if he is less experienced, starts scissoring or even flat turning. Zooming makes him a sitting duck. Split S is energy wasting maneuver, IMO. Works only if friends or friendly ack is below and pursuing plane disengages. The pursuer did not disengage because of the wonderfully performed Split S, but was not stupid enough to give away his energy in the enemy airspace.
Never have I seen p51 unload in front of me and dive away. Why, I don’t know. That’s what I would do if in p51 and with 109 behind me.
Now that I started this monologue, here is a question I ask myself when flying AH. If I sneak on enemy even from great range (d30 and far more), he almost never turns into me. Instead, 90% of pilots fly level until I get inside d10, and then try to shake me off their 6. Now, isn’t there a smarter tactic than this one ?
This defensive thinking falls into same category as expecting p51 to do miracles.
The incident I mentioned before was when I was winging with Leonid. He headed for home, while I decided to dive on a Spit and rtb too. I got the Spit, just as I noticed p51 closing in from d40. I had some 300 mph of speed, my plane had some 30-40% fuel and I zoomed away, and then started climbing at 165 IAS. Much to my surprise, p51 was catching up still. He probably had accumulated speed and converted it into zoom climb after me. This time I acted like a beginner, and instead of meeting him HO and disengaging, I hoped for climbrate to save me. It did not work !! I was forced to TnB, then others came and you can guess the result.
As for 19:1 ratio….Well, Luftwaffe was heavily outnumbered at the time, they were scrambling while p51s waited high in the air, their primary targets were the bombers, most pilots were very unexperienced, element of surprise was on the side of Allies, plane parts were not always available etc etc.
If Aces High had 109 flying against the odds, like in real life, you could gather same K/D ratio, I am sure. Here you don’t cruise at 30k, waiting above the bomber box for enemy to climb to you, and then pounce him and zoom away.
I/JG 51
Jagdgeschwader 51 “Mölders”