You are a NOOB Fugitive because after all this time (10 years you claim) in AH you have learned nothing. Obviously you dont know what its like to attack escorted bombers in large formations and that is the fight I look for and the fighters greatest fight. I call you a NOOB because you have not yet discovered that this is the greatest thrill a fighter pilot can ever experience (even actual WWII fighter pilots said it was that way). Shooting down an entire formation of bombers only happens when you find them alone but when you find them in large formations and with escorts you have to take what you get AND now that formations generally attack the STRATS you almost certainly have other 'friendlies' attacking the same formations. You are a NOOB because none of that even slightly occured to you.
You are a MORON because you had to resort to insult rather than stick to logic and reasoning (and I am defining the term here rather than resorting to insult myself). If you lack the intelligence to reason your way through an argument without implementing your own 'imagined circumstances' about someone elses flying and fighting than you should refrain from comment altogether and it is obvious you do in fact suffer from this problem.
Now I will tell you the REAL reason I would like to see this changed (not that I have to and you certainly do not deserve it). The proper way to attack bombers is not the NOOB method of climbing up someones six and shooting from the 'slot' of a formation like you see people do (I would think you would be one of those since you obviously do not know how this works). When you find a single formation of three bombers its the same as if you came across an entire squadron and you should attack the same way the luftwaffe did in WWII (from the front). The proper way to do this is to establish the heading and altitude of the formation and to climb at least 2k above and 5k out in front of the formation before attacking.Now what ends up happening once you have mastered this is that the bomber pilots get to know you and they can spot someone that knows what they are doing right off. So what ends up happening to me (and at 30k or higher) is that the first bomber I kill tells them who it is attacking and they wait until I set up for the second attack and bail OR they see the setup for the first pass and they bail. Bombers dont do that in large formation obviously and there are some very good bomber pilots that do not do that because they have learned how to make it more difficult to attack them but the lone formations that dont know any better than a NOOB like fugitive do bail.
Now fugitive you should pay for your crime of NOOBishness by being forced to climb to 30k sixty times way back behind your lines where there is no other enemy to fight and have your target bail on you. This is not about score. I can always kill six noobs in spits fast enough to make up for the sorties where bombers bailed. This is about fights that are thrown away.
WOW !!! Holy Crap ! It's like you have been flying at 30k watching me fly !!! You have my style pegged PERFECTLY !!!

oh, and for that little side step you tried, as defined by Websters...
1. A person of subnormal intelligence.
So your little line of BS "(and I am defining the term here rather than resorting to insult myself)." doesn't fly, be a man admit you were being two faced with your statement like Soulyss mentioned.
Back on topic... Killing groups of buffs are easy in most cases. I prefer a slashing attack above and along the 3-9 line, but will come in on a dead six run if I think I can finish off a group BEFORE they drop. You see I like the hangers to be left up, why? Because I like to have something to fight with, after all thats what the games all about, fighting. Killing buffs isn't fighting.
Everyone knows your style of play. Your a points player. You do what ever it takes to get the best possible points that you can, and that is fine..... for you. Going after buffs is a good way to get points. Most buff pilots are newbs. Most of the ones you have listed on your kill page aren't even in the top 1500 in bomber let alone over all score. So you have little risk, and a large target.... keeps that hit percentage up. And with the new "strats" set-up you pretty sure "where" they are going to be. The problem is that with most newbs, they don't know how to fight.... thats why most are in buffs

So while you have players with little skill at the other end of your guns you also have people who know that they have a poor score page, and pretty much know they can't win a fight so they bail..... why pad someone elses score board.
How about this, I hate climbing over 12K. I just don't have the time to waste. Unlike you I don't have 236 hours to put into a game for the month, I have a few other things I have to take care of. So my "wish" would be that nobody can fly over 12k. That way I have the chance to get in on these easy buff kills as well as a chance to fight the #4 over all guy on the scoreboard.... just to see how I stack up
For the record, I think bailing from a perfectly good plane is VERY lame, it's right up there with HOing in my book. Gaming the Game has been here for ever and HTC isn't going to change things to stop people from playing the way that they want as long as it doesn't hit his pocket. Your wish is nothing more than a whine. So is mine, but my wish has the added advantage of being good for the game as it would promote more fighting because well, anyone can make it to 12k pretty quick.

If you feel disappointed/robbed of your just rewards stop climbing to 30K just hit buffs. I get frustrated diving into hordes so I try to avoid that. I would love to see the hordes broken up, but I'm not going to suggest HTC change the code to do it.... though I'm sure they will if the hordes keep going. Who knows what it will be, last time it was split arenas. I do endlessly suggest to the hordlings to step outside the hordes. To learn to fight on their own. You don't want a fight, you want a score. Take what you can get, but please, can we get rid of the "holier than thou" attitude here on the boards?