well I will be there sounds like a blast and an extremely hard/fun time.
There's a long history of folks saying "no icons" is a challenge because it's harder. So why not fly at night with no ambient moonlight, no fog settings?
It's also quite challenging to fight with fuel burn set to 5.0
There's a lot of things ate make it a "challenging environment" but the one folks keep focusing on is only the they want because they think it's more realistic.
Not jumping on Gaidin. Just saying that comment isn't totally accurate. I do hope folks enjoy it. I'm not beating a dead horse. Matter of fact the only folks that call it a dead horse disagree with it.
EDIT: How about a series of these types of mini-events? Just choose another arbitrary point and make it challenging in different ways every time. For example, no icons one time, fuel burn 5x the next, night time with no ambient night the next, 25mph down draft the next, either highly reduced or increased weapons lethality the next, etc? No need to pretend it's "realistic" -- it's just challenging. Just a thought.
icons off is more "realistic", could the sticks of WW2 make there guns more powerful?or make the Fuel burn at a higher efficiency, this is just a lame.... poorly executed insult to everyone's intelligence .
Most of the sticks in WW2 that where killed by AtA, NEVER saw there attacker, gee I wonder why that is??? maybe cause they did not have a 40 foot neon sign, that is bright glowing red over there damn plane.
the one that SAW the other first 99.9% of the time won the engagement period.
think about it, they painted the planes to be harder to see IE a dark top, light bottom, so when you saw a con you would position yourself in his blind spot come in and kill him and get away, if the con that is being attacked looks around he will not see the nme approaching due to the planes camo, unless of course he spots him in adverse colors, or light glinting off the nme plane, (which they tried to have NOT happen)
MANY conflicts never happened, because they just flew by each other without ever seeing one another.
if you really believe Icons on is more realistic, then having them off
obviously the monitor cannot simulate the Human eye, but that is not why "icons on" is implemented, they are on because otherwise it would be a arena full of guys dying without ever seeing the con attacking them, IF they ever even see each other at all.
it is extremely difficult to fly with icons off, I personally don't think many will want to be in an arena that has no icons, for a hour or two? well that is different and sounds like an absolute blast.
look out for the Hurri2c being piloted by INK