I have not been able to locate specific drag numbers for the N1K2. However, we can make some well founded judgements based upon aircraft of similar size and configuration, for which, I do have data.
To begin, once you know the drag coefficient of the aircraft, you can calculate the flat plate area.
Cdo = Drag Coefficient
Sw = Wing area in square feet.
Cdo x Sw = flat plate area.
Now, take the known horsepower and divide it by the flat plate area. This gives us the available HP per square foot of flat plate area, or HP/f.
Let's look at the F4F/FM-1. It has a zero-lift drag coefficient of .0253 and a flat plate area of 6.58 sq/ft. With 1,200 hp available, the HP/f is 182. This allowed for a max speed of about 320 mph.
How about the P-47B? Its Cdo was .0213 (its wing was especially clean and thin) and a flat plate area of 6.39 sq/ft. With 2,000 hp on tap, the HP/f is 313. This aircraft was capable of speeds just over 420 mph.
Now, let's look at the lowly P-39D. Its Cdo was an excellent .0217 and a flat plate area of 4.63 sq/ft. Having 1,150 hp, this provides for a HP/f of 248. Max speed was 368 mph.
Finally, we can look at the N1K2. Based upon camparible radial engine fighters, I will give it a generous Cdo of .0240. We find that the wing area is 253 sq/ft.
So, 253 x .0240 = 6.07 sq/ft.
Let's assume for a minute that the Homare radial actually generates 1,990 hp.
1,990/6.07 = 328 HP/f
That's considerably higher than the P-47B, yet the Thunderbolt is more than 50 mph faster! How can this be? Simple, the Homare was not making anything close to 1,990 hp.
Let's plug in 1,500 hp into the equation.
1,500/6.07 = 247 HP/f.
At this point, let's go back to the P-39D with its HP/f of 248. The P-39D could manage 368 mph. The N1K2 could reach only 369 mph.
Do you see the correlation? Based upon this method, the Homare was making no more than 1,525 hp, which is fully 465 hp less than rated.
This may be a backdoor method of calculating approximate horsepower, but I'll wager large that it stands up well to any other methodology used for the N1K2-J.
Now, as to climb. This is largely determined by weight and power. However, drag is also a critical factor. Let's compare the Bell P-63A and the N1K2.
Normal combat weight for the P-63A is 8,800 lbs. The N1K2 weighs in at 8,818 lbs loaded for combat (no external stores, full fuel and ammunition for both). It takes the N1K2 7.36 minutes to get to 19,685 ft (6,000 meters). The P-63A gets to 20,000 ft in 5.72 minutes. The Bell has only 1,325 hp available. So why does the P-63A climb so much faster than the N1K2 if the N1K2 has more power and equal weight? The answer is that the N1K2 had much less power than rated. Moreover, the P-63A has much lower drag numbers.
Cdo = .0182
Sw = 248 sq/ft
Flat Plate area = 4.51 sq/ft
HP = 1,325
HP/f = 293
If the N1K2 was making 1,990 or even 1,800 hp, it would climb as well as the P-63A. The fact is that it does not even come close. So,
this tends to support the 1,525 hp estimate.
For JimDandy:
Power is determined by HP and propeller efficiency. Typically the WWII fighters had prop efficiencies in the 80% range, give or take 2%. Based upon this, Francis (Diz) Dean provides a simple formula to determine drag as equalized by thrust.
Thrust (in pounds) = 375 x prop efficiency x horsepower/TAS (true airspeed).
His example is that of a P-40 maintaining a constant 280 mph with 900 hp.
T = 375 x .80 x 900/280 = 964 lbs of drag, which must be equalled by 964 lbs of thrust to maintain a constant speed.
No WWII fighter ever produced thrust equal to its weight. Even the F8F would require over 10,000 lbs of thrust to accelerate straight up. Let's assume he is climbing at
125 mph, and not accelerating.
T = 375 x .80 x 4,500 hp/125 = 10,800 lbs, which is pretty close to weight + drag.
This would allow for a climb rate of about 11,000 ft/min., straight up. This is not out of line for the hotrod F8F that set the time to 10,000 ft record of just under one minute. However, this was a stripped down fighter making nearly 4,000 hp. We know that the production F8F could manage 4,570 ft/min. with 2,100 hp. Surely, it had nowhere near a 1:1 thrust to weight ratio. 1:2 at the very best. So, yes, you were probably looking at the numbers associated with the record breaking hotrod F8F.
Other interesting HP/f ratios:
P-51D: 366 (437 mph)
P-38J: 355 (421 mph)
P-47M: 422 (475 mph)
F6F-5: 253 (380 mph)
F8F-1: 368 (440 mph)
F7F-1: 372 (445 mph)
The correlation is interesting but certainly not linear.
Data sources:
America's One Hundred Thousand by Francis Dean
The American Fighter by Angelluci and Bowers
The Complete Book of Fighters by Green and Swanborough.
My regards,