If I understand correctly We are to:
1. place the PNG damage mask over our new texture layers and compress it to a usable BMP for use in game giving us A new damage texture for our altered BMP.
2. We now have 2 two new BMPs. Our new texture /un damaged, along with our new texture with the new mask you have provided for our damaged texture
3 We do this for both the Wing BMP as well as the Fuselage section. giving us a total of 4 bmps to send in two undamaged two damaged in the case of a D7 files : (D71.bmp)(D71D.bmp)(D72.bmp)(D72D.bmp)
If I have that right This is the result when I tested of line.
Below is after the mask was added to the damage BMP.you can see pink in from external view on wing supports wont show if zoomed in fro wide view it shows only.... If I paint over the supports on the new mask the same color as the supports it disappears... Is that a bug?
This Is what I get if I don't use the new damage mask. Still an issue there, you can see the original wings, as I left the layer on for the internals to show.
Here is what it looks like with the new mask added to my new texture damage bmp.
Did I do something wrong, or is there a problem with the mask?
Please advise. .
Thanks In advance RaVe