yes the M60 dose need a little nerfed
I don't have it unlocked, but from what I hear it is a Sniping LMG.
When I start out, this is my usual night:
3-4 "bad" rounds...negative K/D.
1-2 "decent" rounds...break even, or fall negative at the last second
1-2 "good" good the whole time, or just get lucky...usually a 2/1 or 3/1 KD.
Then back to "decent" or "bad".
Maybe I have lost my "touch" or something...used to do great in COD4. NEver uised dolphin dives, noob tubes, marty, Last stand, etc...loved my M14 "covert" class. Silenced M14, silenced M9, extra ammo, silent walking, and some other "red" perk.
Creek map and Broadcast were my specialties in the gaming community I was a head admin at (did their website/forum and got 'promoted').
Or maybe I just haven't played this much.