No, I am not suggesting that any Claim Jumpers are not of sound mind.
I am stating that ad hominem attacks, derogatory perversions of group names, and general disparagement of individuals are the tools of bigots.
I guess I acknowledge the spirit of your pitch, Pitch, even as I find it a bit like taking a battleaxe into a delicate surgery.
First, the ad hominem is not so much a tool of the bigot as it is tacit acknowledgement that the argument can no longer be pursued on its merits. I see little implication that "running out of lane" on merit is necessarily equivalent to bigotry.
Second, to equate the derogatory perversion of a name to bigotry is to do something like accuse the world of bigotry (teabagger, socialist, lamestream media, MSDNC, wingnuts, the list could go on ad infinitum). You sweepingly ignore, first, the comic value in such things, second, you summarily degrade the charge of bigotry and inflate the former charge all in one fell swoop - sort of like Al Gore's famous denunciation of a failure to recycle Aluminum as morally equivalent to the commission of the holocaust. Ask any who were in Auschwitz if they get the same feeling watching someone carelessly chuck a Diet Coke empty into a watebasket as the did watching their familie sget handed wooden bars of soap - the answer might be enlightening.
You might try to refine your thinking regarding, for example here, the relative merit/demerit of using the term Clam Humper and, say, for example, rolling a black pregnant woman down the street with a firehose in Selma circa 1962.
And, all that above merely begs definition. After all, what is a bigot?
Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
Key here, w/r Clam Humpers, is the idea of obstinance or intolerance w/r opinions. I think we're discussing the basis for the opinion and am thus likely to dismiss your bigotry charge here out of hand since the post has largely been devoted to discovery.
Finally, w/r general disparagement, I see little reason to equate a dislike or disparagement of an individual, most of which is generally "for cause" with any kind of generally group-oriented bigotry.
In short, I like to see you lashing out like this since it's likely to help you learn, find boundaries, and sharpen distinctions. However, I'm finding you a bit "off the mark" in your statement for the reasons I've given.