I know we're talking a different product, but at the time that I was beta-testing WB's III, I was using (first) a Logitech Wingman Force (not the POS 3D they sell today, but it's 20 lb predecessor) and then a MS FF2. And the sticks both were "flawed" in terms of how the sim supported them, albeit in different ways.
I spoke several times with the programmer, and found that at least at that time, they almost had to program for each individual stick they were going to support, because each stick would implement different portions of the API - and at times, even if they implemented the same API functionity, they would do so enough differently that it would "feel" completely wrong on one stick when
exactly right for another.
Which is a round about way of saying that if it doesn't work in AH, it might not be (entirely) the developers fault, as I don't believe that it's quite as cut and dried as it would seem it should be to implement FF.
All IMHO, YMMV - It's been 8 years or so of water under the bridge since those conversations.