I'm not 100% sure this is acurate. Tank destroyers were used as stand off bunker busters as much as tank vs. tank.
(Image removed from quote.)
Would AP or HE be better for this?
From the old RTS/RTT game "Close Combat" by Atomic Games, I remember the M10 and other TD's running out of HE very quickly when using the TD for something other than attacking armor (Atomic touted the game's accuracy). I do not remember the ratio of HE to AP ammo those TD's had, but it was no where near the ratio the regular tanks were issued.
Of course when able and not in danger of enemy infantry the TD's were going to lend a hand in any manner they were able. That could be via long range .50 cal MG fire for suppression purposes, or perhaps bunker bustin' (AP vs concrete and HE vs earth/wood) with the main gun, etc.
I think at most, if at all, the TD's carried 6-10 rounds of HE. Dont quote me though. I'll dig for more info.