Author Topic: 2.19 Patch 3  (Read 1417 times)

Offline Pyro

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2.19 Patch 3
« on: May 25, 2010, 02:27:54 PM »
2.19 is now available. 

Version 2.19 Patch 3 changes

Switched back to the Miles Sound System and fixing bugs associated with that.

Switched back to a windowed start up mode and fixing bugs associated with that.

Fixed a bug that caused some hills under certain conditions to look transparent.

The Calliope loadout on the M4A3(75) now correctly displays the number of rockets remaining.

Found that armor penetration angles of greater than 70 degrees were being truncated to 70 degrees.  This was found to be causing some incorrect penetrations on the Tiger’s thin top armor from very shallow angles and would affect other tanks under the same circumstances.  Hit angles now go all the way to just under 90 degrees.
Fixed a bug that caused the Sherman tanks to have extra armor directly behind the gun shield making penetrations in that area exceedingly difficult.
Revised the weight of the Mosquito drop tanks.

Revised the empty weight of the Mosquito and also changed the weight of the bomb pylons.
Fixed a bug with the Mosquito bomb racks not hiding when the wing was destroyed.

Offline vehicle drones no longer have their engines idling.

Fixed an issue with the Mosquito’s performance charts that was limiting the chart to an altitude of 15k.

Multiple arena and squad messages now cascade in separate windows.

Made an improvement to the shading of hills when they are on an incline.

Fixed an error with the shape of the C-47 prop.

Fixed a bug that caused the tire rumble sound to sometimes play after lift off.

Offline Pyro

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Re: 2.19 Patch 3
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 03:07:06 PM »

Fixed an issue where rounds that penetrated an armor plate but did no damage appeared as if they had ricocheted off and not penetrated. 

Offline -sudz-

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Re: 2.19 Patch 3
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 01:22:32 PM »
Addendum:  Fixed a bug that didn't correctly change squad names for all squad members.