And just when I thought it wasn't gonna get any better.

Calling me names and not arguing on the merits of your position makes you the moron scooter not me .
I didn't call you names. I merely stated a fact. I maybe could have dropped it to you a bit more gently but it wouldn't really change the context in anyway.
There's no need for me to "argue on the merits of my position" when you haven't presented a single sound argument. If you think there's something wrong in the modelling of some plane in this sim we fly, starting to ramble on about how it did in the war itself isn't going to do you squat.

Neither will this "combat testing" actually. Do some actual testing from where you can extract some numbers out of. Then start figuring out if the numbers you just extracted match to the real life counter part or not. There are plenty of variables that can affect to the performance of a plane in AH that are hard to test. Prop efficiency along speed range being one. But if all you can do is ramble on without any sort logic all I'm gonna do is laugh at you. I don't see any point to even try to have a logical discussion until you start presenting logical arguments.