I'm liking the AVA because of the lower numbers and lack of humongous horde v 1 scenarios. Although, it is sometimes entertaining watching a dozen or so planes cracking the whip around behind me
. In here the scenarios play out much more real world like, i.e. 1 v 1 or 2, or 2 v 2. In the REAL WORLD, a half dozen guys aren't going to chase down one bogey. Doing so invites the next "grape" to step forward followed by a thorough dusting of airplane parts in the atmosphere. As an example, 3 guys chasing my wingman and none of them aware that I'm closing in on them (well, except for the guy in front of me losing parts of his ride). Got 2 of the 3 before the Lufbery broke up. Typically, if someone hasn't saddled up within 90 degrees of turn, they will within 180 degrees and then it's "game on". This is a perfect scenario demonstrating tactical wing formation and mutual support.
Thanks to all who have worked on the scenarios, maps, etc. This keeps it fresh and new. See ya there. Check SIX!