Author Topic: TY HTC  (Read 6961 times)

Offline doc1kelley

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« Reply #105 on: June 23, 2010, 12:06:31 PM »
Veeery Bad idea to split the community up into too many varied settings arenas like AW did.  HTC knows what they are doing better than most.  Besides, AW is out of business.  Not a good idea to follow their lead eh.

The only reason that AW is out of business is because ElectronicArts purchased it so they could use their technology, and then kill it to promote their Massive Online Game, which failed miserably. You obviously have no idea about the AW community, which this game has a large amount of folks that are AW vets.

All the Best...

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Offline RufusLeaking

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« Reply #106 on: June 23, 2010, 12:15:35 PM »
Yep, I'm also entitled to have an opinion. In the Training Arena, I don't have an opinion, I simply cover whatever the student wants to learn.

That said, in all my time in the Training Arena I've never been asked how to take a base nor have I been asked how to avoid radar.

They can still attack bases, only now we see them coming.

I think you'll find even the biggest egos in Aces High will drop whatever they are doing and help a new player if they ask them a question. Some will even go as far as taking them to the DA/TA and show them things as well. You don't have to be Trainer to help a new player.
Never denied you the right to an opinion.  And, to HTC's credit, they have been extremely patient with some of my past flaming posts.

In the early 21st century, more trophies are given out for Participation than for First Place.  New, young players are raised in an environment that is too concerned with self esteem.  "Johnny can't read, but he feels good about it."  These young potential subscribers are probably going to resist the hazing process that is common in the game.

If I have a point, it is the market is full of newbie friendly games.  We need to try to retain as many as possible.  Pardon my elitism.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 12:19:19 PM by RufusLeaking »
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Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #107 on: June 23, 2010, 12:18:04 PM »
WOW ... you'd have thought that they removed NOE all together with all the whinage ... they just made it "harder" ... as it should be.

A real NOE attack should make your palms sweat and have your undivided attention due to the tension and concentration of trying to fly tree top level to the target. If you can pull it off, then consider it a "job well done".
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline SunBat

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« Reply #108 on: June 23, 2010, 12:36:58 PM »
In the early 21st century, more trophies are given out for Participation than for First Place.  New, young players are raised in an environment that is too concerned with self esteem.  "Johnny can't read, but he feels good about it."  These young potential subscribers are probably going to resist the hazing process that is common in the game.

Wow.  So now we should perpetuate this travesty even in our cartoon make-believe games?  Glad you are not in charge.
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Offline Yeager

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« Reply #109 on: June 23, 2010, 12:41:30 PM »
You obviously have no idea about the AW community, which this game has a large amount of folks that are AW vets.

All the Best...

I had already been in this game several years when AW went tits up and that player base moved over here to AH, so you can rest assured I know about the large amount of folks that are ex AW players (I refrain from using the term vet for anything other than armed forces veterans).

When I started playing the genre in 97 I studied both AirWarrior and Warbirds and I concluded then, correctly, that Warbirds provided the higher fidelity gaming and virtual flight/combat experience.  WBs is where I went.  I followed HT and Pyro here and have been a customer since the day it opened to the public.

My observation is both immediate and long term.  AH does not need a bunch of similar arenas differentiated by game play settings as it would simply serve to further split up the community, and AH does not need to follow, for WHATEVER reason, AirWarrior.  No need to follow that game model in any fashion as it is dead, kaput, finished.

I wonder if that clears up your misunderstanding of what I know?
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Offline RufusLeaking

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« Reply #110 on: June 23, 2010, 01:00:05 PM »
Wow.  So now we should perpetuate this travesty even in our cartoon make-believe games?  Glad you are not in charge.
Pardon my ramble on that one.

My poorly explained point is that, as soothing as it is to your ego, some people will leave rather than be continuously insulted.  Especially when there are many games on the market that give instant (albeit hollow) gratification.

We can agree on being glad I am not in charge.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 01:03:23 PM by RufusLeaking »
GameID: RufLeak
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Offline bustr

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« Reply #111 on: June 23, 2010, 01:20:00 PM »
S.O.A.R. proved in the EW arena that NOE doesn't matter if the whole map is undefended. Let the steam roller NOE crowd roll the EW and MW arenas.

Last night the Bish during TT attempted to hit 3 knight bases at the same time with HUGE numbers. Happily I took part in some of the best mass combat I've been in since AH1 helping defend those bases. Then we turned around and took one Vbase with a quick rush and thought we could JABBO a small airfeild the same way in the bish side lines. Our real mistake was to not bring half of our force as medium bombers on the heels of our JABBO after they got the VH and Radar. We had not adapted our style of quick base taking to the new Radar and instead got caught up in a long furball after the clock ran out on the ack, FH and VH. In the time it took P51's from the nearest bish feild to make it over to challenge us, medium bombers on the heels of our JABBO would have had the town ready for our M3.

If you want to steam roll bases now use real WW2 tactics. Send in JABBO to take down the Radar, VH and tie up figthers. Have A20's, B25, or B26 roar in at medium alt (7k-8k) on their heels to shock the town and whats left of the feild. Medium Bombers??? now why were they called medium bombers??? Oh bombers that operated at medium alt roaring in to shock a target...... Follow all that up with two boxes of Lancs at 12k just in case with all the shock and AW you still manage to get out of sync with the VH and ack.

Funny I remember before everybody got lazy and chicken for some reason most missions ran like I just described. But, back then we were all called cowards because we chose to fly with a HOARD that everyone could see coming on DAR. Back then it was the furballers that whined about the big hoard missions and all the newbies tagging along to get free picks on them. Last night the furballers were extatic and begging for more HOARD to kill because now they could see them coming.

In AH1 the original GETSUM would put up missions with 20-30 B26 and 12-15 P38 JABBO. He rolled bases without going NOE. It may be time for those missions again......

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Kazaa

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« Reply #112 on: June 23, 2010, 01:53:40 PM »
A few simple thoughts.

1. Best way to win a war is to hit the enemy where they ain't.

2. Best way to have fun in a combat orientated game is to have combat.

3. Attacking undefended targets is not combat even though it is the best strategy to win.

4. This is a game and not work or war. Expecting some one to be on defense with no idea if a strike is coming is not a legitimate expectation.  Hence, you should defend your field is not a legitimate argument if it requires some one to do a very boring act with no guaranty of combat.

5. Defense now has more warning on a strike and time to organize a  defense, so now we are more likely to have an offense and defense playing against each other instead of 2 offenses playing by themselves.

Hence these changes have nothing to do with fur-ball vs tool shedding. But simply about putting offense and defense on a more = level.



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Offline danny76

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« Reply #113 on: June 23, 2010, 01:56:06 PM »
WOW ... you'd have thought that they removed NOE all together with all the whinage ... they just made it "harder" ... as it should be.

A real NOE attack should make your palms sweat and have your undivided attention due to the tension and concentration of trying to fly tree top level to the target. If you can pull it off, then consider it a "job well done".

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Offline Tr1gg22

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« Reply #114 on: June 23, 2010, 02:49:53 PM »
The NOE horde running skilless squeakilicious noobs have started to cry. I love the new dar. I love it more because it makes the horde tards cry.
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Offline Ghosth

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« Reply #115 on: June 23, 2010, 03:11:47 PM »
"Yes, TY for this bad idea of new radar and noe altitude settings.      angry

I hope that before You take these kind of decisions You will considerer ppl opinions.   old


Lulu just what do you think that sounds like? To me it sounds like a child who was playing with a toy in an improper manner, ie useing that truck to bash a piece of furniture. And that toy was taken away. As a result your wailing away at the top of your lungs. Angry, and upset about something that you did!

With all due respect sir, listen to the "tone" of what you said, and the way you said it.

And then remember a couple of things.

A: This is Hitechs sandbox, we are allowed to play in it as long as we play nice.
B: When Hitech says somethings going to change, guess what, its going to change. Its HIS sandbox.
C Coming here and insulting him because he made a change you don't agree with is the very definition of a whine.  From Websters Dictionary"  to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry "

Now if you had said something like.
"Hitech, sir with all due respect, I disagree with your change of the radar settings. And this is why.......................... .................."

You would not have gotten the response from me that you got.
You want respect, it starts with you showing it.

Do you really think that he did not consider people's opinions of these changes before he made them?
Really? You really think he's that stupid?

I don't, I think he is perhaps the smartest, most intelligent man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
His think box is on all the time, and unlike most folks he uses it all. Ohhh and just for the record my own IQ was measured at over 200 back when I was young.

Aces High if you take the long long view, seeing it all over the years is a history of change.
Many many things have changed many many times. Almost all of them for the better. If you can separate yourself from your emotions and truly take the long view.

This is just one more in a long long list of changes that helps keep AH alive and well.

Offline crazyivan

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« Reply #116 on: June 23, 2010, 04:12:30 PM »
Wow.  So now we should perpetuate this travesty even in our cartoon make-believe games?  Glad you are not in charge.

No homework for you tonight! :D

Pardon my ramble on that one.

My poorly explained point is that, as soothing as it is to your ego, some people will leave rather than be continuously insulted.  Especially when there are many games on the market that give instant (albeit hollow) gratification.
Well last weekend I received 5 nasty pm's, from newer or unknown players by me. Maybe I'll just take my ball and go home. :D
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 04:16:18 PM by crazyivan »
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Offline Bronk

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« Reply #117 on: June 23, 2010, 05:24:33 PM »
The NOE horde running skilless squeakilicious noobs have started to cry. I love the new dar. I love it more because it makes the horde tards cry.
I do not agree with Bip often but this time spot on!!! :aok
See Rule #4

Offline texastc316

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« Reply #118 on: June 23, 2010, 05:30:27 PM »
Looks like a lot of people need to ice their taints. Doesn't seem to that big of a deal. Griefers will always grief whiners will always whine. Put on your big girl panties an deal with it
TexsTC-CO/Court Jester-Mighty 316th FS "CREEPING DEATH"  in MA/FSO

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Offline Zoney

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« Reply #119 on: June 23, 2010, 05:51:14 PM »

 Ohhh and just for the record my own IQ was measured at over 200 back when I was young.

Yeah, sure.  Sorry but gotta call BS on that one.  Completely ridiculous "bang your own drum" statement.
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