I've spent a far amount of time researching the various gun sights used on the planes in Aces High. I prefer to use a gun sight that is as historically correct as possible and use the deflection shooting methods described in the PIF and GIF. But after some time I've come to suspect that the sights are not always accurately scaled in each plane.
So I started doing some analysis and took some screen shots.
First I'd like to cover the math and how I calculated what I think the size of the gun sight should be. From the Pilots Information File (PIF) a mil is defined as 1/6400th of a circle. So if you divide 360 by 6400 you get 1 mil equals 0.05625 degrees. Next, again from the PIF, I found that the standard N-9 sight has a 70 mil outer ring. So doing the math of 0.05625 multiplied by 70 I came up with 3.9375 degrees for the outer ring (I rounded up to 4 degrees). Next I opened Aces High and checked that my screens filed of view is set to 100 degrees. With a resolution of 1680 by 1050 that means 1 degree equals 16.8 pixels. Then 4 degrees on the monitor equals 67 pixels for the gun sight.
Of the planes I've checked most are pretty close with one major exception. The best so far is the F6F-5 it happens to be exactly correct. I've included the zoomed images below. NOTE: all images were taken from the default home head position to eliminate any movement error.
So here is the F6F-5

The full size image is here,
http://332nd.org/dogs/baumer/BBS%20Stuff/SightQuestion/F6F-5.jpgThe next closest one is the P-38J, by my calculation the sight is about 3% to small

The full size image is here,
http://332nd.org/dogs/baumer/BBS%20Stuff/SightQuestion/P-38J.jpgThen comes the P-47D-25, by my calculation the sight is about 5% to large

The full size image is here,
http://332nd.org/dogs/baumer/BBS%20Stuff/SightQuestion/P-47D-25.jpgThen the P-51B, by my calculation the sight is about 10% to large

The full size image is here,
http://332nd.org/dogs/baumer/BBS%20Stuff/SightQuestion/P-51B.jpgThe P-51D by my calculation the sight is about 12% to small

The full size image is here,
http://332nd.org/dogs/baumer/BBS%20Stuff/SightQuestion/P-51D.jpgThe most significant error is with the F4U-1D by my calculation the sight is about
27% to small

The full size image is here,
http://332nd.org/dogs/baumer/BBS%20Stuff/SightQuestion/F4U-1D.jpgI think anything within +/- 10% is acceptable for game play and the calculations from the PIF for calculating lead seem to work just fine. However, once you move beyond a 10% error it is extremely difficult to use the sight for any kind of calculation. I know this isn't a major issue but if I've covered everything correctly I think it should be addressed. Also if there are any errors in my calculations or if I've made an error in understanding I'm looking for feedback.
<S> Baumer