Author Topic: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test  (Read 8074 times)

Offline BnZs

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #90 on: July 21, 2010, 10:38:04 PM »
On behalf of all us geeks who actually "find this stuff interesting", TYVM and WTG Tango.  :salute
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Offline dtango

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #91 on: July 22, 2010, 06:43:26 PM »
Part 2

Rehashing Part 1 simple P/W to predict zoom climb is unreliable because it’s a simplification that ignores key variables and their rates of change in flight.   Similar issues apply to using max level speed as a proxy for relative drag differences and trying to spread that out like peanut butter across the flight envelope.  It’s not appropriate because drag also changes.

If you leave with nothing else from this thread it’s this:  Aerodynamics is complex.  Using simplifications without understanding the assumptions for them and when they apply likely lead to erroneous conclusions.  As an aero Phd once told me “in aerodynamics you can’t avoid the maths”.  :cry  This is particularly true for a zoom climb.

Trying to break zoom climb performance to a primary variable is incoherent.  Zoom climb is an interaction of many variables all at once and how they change.  It’s appropriate to isolate a variable to understand the implication & influence but trying to reduce zoom climb to a single variable or simple figure of merit doesn’t make much sense.  Because it’s a dynamic problem we can’t “avoid the maths”.  I don’t know of a better way to predict zoom climb but to use an iterative numerical solution to do so.

There are other key aero concepts we could address.  There’s some cool stuff we could break down in terms of details of zoom climb performance too.  But we’ll cut to the chase since there’s so much angst with the B-239.  For those interested there’s another exhaustive thread done in the past that covers zoom climbs in a fair amount of detail here:,266321.msg3328531.html#msg3328531

Zoom Climb Results: Tango’s Model:

So what do the numerical solutions tell us about zoom climb of the B-239?  There are at least three indicators of zoom climb performance we could look at:
1) zoom climb height,
2) zoom “hang-time” (as Bozon has pointed out already),
3) rate of energy change

To keep things simple we’ll just look at zoom climb height for the B-239, A6M5b, & P-47D-40.

B-239: BHP=1000hp, S=208ft^2, Prop Diam=9ft, CD0=.028, Weight=4857lbs
A6M5b: BHP=1100hp, S=229ft^2, Prop Diam=10ft, CD0=.023, Weight=5321lbs
P-47D-40: BHP=2600hp, S=300ft^2, Prop Diam=13ft, CD0=.021, Weight=14250lbs

I reset the weights for the B-239 & A6M5b equal AH 25% load out.   Assuming a pure 90 degree vertical zoom climb, 360mph initial velocity, 100 ft starting altitude, & airplanes zooming until mph=0 this is what my model predicts:

B-239: 5100 ft in 24.5s
A6M5b: 5300 ft in 25.7s
P-47D-40: 5400 ft in 23.3s

The B-239 technically doesn’t zoom as high but as we can see by the height reached it doesn’t really matter.  As we see the greatest gap is a mere 300 feet between the B-239 and the P-47D-40 which in our AH world would be a separation of D 100 only, pretty much a point blank firing solution for the B-239 to shoot the tail feathers off the Jug.  

Anyone surprised by the result?    I’m sure you would be if you had a perception about the Brewster that doesn’t match real world physics.   And that’s the point.  What is our basis for perceptions of how a plane should perform?  Is it anecdotes, imaginary / erroneous physics, or real world physics?  Usually anecdotes trump physics for a lot folks which is completely exasperating.  Worse though are folks that will argue based on flawed physics because the math is all there to test their hypothesis for themselves.  “In aero, you can’t avoid the maths.”  :)

AH Flight Test Comparisons

So how does AH compare to my predictions.  I tested the B-239 and A6M5b at 25% load using BnZs test approach:  dive from a higher altitude to near sea level, stay wings level until airspeed was at 375mph (IAS from E6B), pull up into a vertical zoom climb as near 90 degrees as possible.  

A couple of notes:  A) On the procedure, trying to do a constant G pull-up at 3g’s per BnZs technique was nearly impossible for me.  The pull-up phase will impose a heavy induced drag penalty and worse for the heavier plane.  This will fluctuate based on the g-loading which for me was hard to keep constant.   B)  I totally ignore the pull-up phase in my projections because the math modeling behind that is even more complicated than the integral math used for just a zoom climb.

Nevertheless these are the average results after making many attempts:
A6M5b:  5.05K, 25s
B-239: 4.85K, 23s

First, they don’t match BnZs results.  2nd despite some of the variability that the pull-up might have on the outcome the results are remarkably close qualitatively to what I calculated:  The separation between the aircraft is ~200 ft & the zoom time is in the same ballpark of my predictions.

So why is there a discrepancy of about 250 ft between my calculations and the AH flight tests (and a slight difference in time?).  This could almost be a meaningless thought exercise because the variability of pull up and actual initial speed at 90 degrees nose up is enough to throw it off, a very real possibility.

An even more intriguing possibility is the fidelity of the flight models.  There are a variety of things I have not modeled because it would take me long hours to do so which AH does model.  One is aircraft stability.  I totally ignore that and assume that all my airplanes can reach 0 mph at peak of the zoom.  In AH that is factored in and it is difficult to keep the airplane pointed nose up 90 degrees when airspeed gets low without some heavy control input and you may not actually top out at 0 mph but between 10-40 mph because of departed flight.

Second, AH also models engine HP variation with altitude and RAM air.  Engine BHP output can vary as per the way they were designed.  For my favorite airplane, the P-51D the Packard V-1650-7 Merlin has a saw tooth BHP range over the altitude range with it increasing from sea level to critical alt, then decreasing, then increasing etc.  The point is that engine max power output isn’t a fixed value but varies with altitude and each engine has its own unique “curve”.  AH models this.  My model assumed a fixed BHP for all altitudes because modeling the propulsion system would require much more detailed data then I have available as well as a lot more time and sophistication to do so.

Here are the AH ROC graphs for the B-239 compared against the P-51D and the A6M5b.  As you can see the P-51D has an increasing ROC with altitude to about 10,000 ft.  This matches the data I have on the V-1650-7 hp variation.  Note for the B-239 ROC remains constant to almost 4000 ft and then drops off indicating that the Wright 1820-G5 outputs a constant BHP until about 4k.  Looking at the A6M5b you’ll notice that ROC is decreasing with alt from SL to 8K which means engine power output is dropping off.

So the 250 ft lower difference between my predictions and the AH results is also a likely result of the detailed engine modeling in AH since both the B-239 & A6M5b power drops off.

The point is of course HTC takes their modeling of real world physics and aircraft very, very seriously.  The fidelity is incredibly high.  Maybe this will encourage others who have an FM dispute in the future to take the time and effort to seriously test their hypothesis before they bring an FM dispute in here because I dare say that 98% of the time HTC has got it right.  
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 06:52:03 PM by dtango »
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #92 on: July 22, 2010, 06:48:54 PM »
On behalf of all us geeks who actually "find this stuff interesting", TYVM and WTG Tango.  :salute

Thanks, but much more preferrable would be from you...

$170/hr * 25 hours = $4,250.00 + $250.00 for an expensive dinner and lots of beer (and that's with a discount for teasing you!). :D.
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline Stoney

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #93 on: July 22, 2010, 08:18:30 PM »
One of the advantages of using the P-47 in your comparisons, is that it makes constant power up to 32,000 feet or so...  :)

I wish there was a way to condense this thread down to the important parts and make it a sticky.  Awesome effort and posts!
"Can we be incorrect at times, absolutely, but I do believe 15 years of experience does deserve a little more credence and respect than you have given from your very first post."


Offline dtango

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #94 on: July 22, 2010, 09:29:48 PM »
One of the advantages of using the P-47 in your comparisons, is that it makes constant power up to 32,000 feet or so...  :)
Well, yes and no.  If you look at the level speed charts for the P-47 it has constant power output to 32k as you say.  However look at ROC chart and you'll notice it dropping off sooner than that.  The difference has to do with how much RAM air has an effect to help boost MAP.  In level flight you reach higher airspeeds where RAM air assists to keep MAP high.  In a steady climb your airspeed is much lower and thus you're not getting the benefit of freestream RAM air which means lower output sooner.  Again this just to goes to show you some of the level of sophistication in the AH flight model.   :aok

I wish there was a way to condense this thread down to the important parts and make it a sticky.  Awesome effort and posts!
Thanks but if you only knew how much time it took away from playing with my kids, flying in AH, playing my guitar, etc. etc....!!!   :mad:

Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline Stoney

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #95 on: July 22, 2010, 10:31:25 PM »
Well, yes and no.  If you look at the level speed charts for the P-47 it has constant power output to 32k as you say.  However look at ROC chart and you'll notice it dropping off sooner than that.  The difference has to do with how much RAM air has an effect to help boost MAP.  In level flight you reach higher airspeeds where RAM air assists to keep MAP high.  In a steady climb your airspeed is much lower and thus you're not getting the benefit of freestream RAM air which means lower output sooner.  Again this just to goes to show you some of the level of sophistication in the AH flight model.


Ok, now I'm confused.  How does an aircraft with a turbo-supercharged induction system benefit from ram-air?  All the induction air is compressed by the induction system before it gets to the engine.  The waste-gate opens or closes as it needs to in order to maintain a constant manifold pressure, right?.  I thought that was what the turbo regulator did?  I know some of the other aircraft in-game benefit from ram-air, but not the Jug.  MP stays a constant 54" in our Jug until you hit critical altitude.

[edit] I thought the ROC decreased due to lessened dynamic pressure not changes in MP? 
"Can we be incorrect at times, absolutely, but I do believe 15 years of experience does deserve a little more credence and respect than you have given from your very first post."


Offline dtango

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #96 on: July 22, 2010, 10:59:21 PM »
Stoney take a look at AHT pg 107, figure 148.  A turbosupercharged engine has an intake for ram air.  The engine still needs outside air.  You can also take a look at the figures from John Deakin's Pelican's Perch series of articles (his articles are awesome!).  Here's one he has on turbocharging and has some WW2 diagrams too.  Note the ram air for the turbosuperchargers (diagrams lower down the page).

Lessened dynamic pressure means less velocity which means lower ram air and lower MAP.  Air density is the same for a given altitude but higher velocity means higher dynamic pressure for that altitude.  I'll have to see if I can dig up MP readings on the P-47 climb vs. level speed.
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #97 on: July 22, 2010, 11:33:36 PM »
Stoney - just to clarify, yes you're correct that the P-47 turbosupercharging stays rated at 52" for a large range of the altitude & you are correct that the drop off of steady ROC when MP is 52" is related to changing air density and the effect of dynamic pressure on thrust and drag.

However there's more to it.  Take a look at the rating for the P-47D from the flight test report from

Critical altitude for level flight is at 27,000 ft and 52" is obtained up to this level.  However for climb critical altitude is 23,800 ft and 52" is rated to here.  After that it starts to drop off.  I believe the reason why we have crit alt differences between level flight and climb is due to ram air.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 11:35:46 PM by dtango »
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #98 on: July 23, 2010, 04:13:48 AM »
Excellent explanation. A few remarks on the results:

300 feet (100m) is not a small distance in real life. It does not make a big difference to your survival if you pull from 0 to 100 head, but it makes a much bigger difference if you pull ahead from 200 to 300 meters and move out of the effective AIMING range of the chasing plane (aiming is harder when hanging on the prop than a normal 300 shot). On top of that, this is the extra separation that you will gain after you point down that will give you a short opportunity to recover and turn from hunted to hunter.

The relative results may change significantly with altitude. At 25kft the P47 will have a much better relative power loading than it has at 0, as other planes will loose more engine power. Generally, the loss of thrust at high alts will give a lot more "weight" to the kinematic part, i.e. the drag/weight of the plane.
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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #99 on: July 23, 2010, 05:35:12 AM »
Critical altitude for level flight is at 27,000 ft and 52" is obtained up to this level.  However for climb critical altitude is 23,800 ft and 52" is rated to here.  After that it starts to drop off.  I believe the reason why we have crit alt differences between level flight and climb is due to ram air.

I don't know enough about other aircraft, like the P-38's induction system, but I don't think the Jug is affected by ram air.  Critical altitude for the Jug is ironically controlled by the turbo RPM.  As the WWII performance report shows, the reason the climb critical altitude occurs at a lower altitude is because you hit the magic 18,250 rpm on the turbine RPM.  Once the induction system hit that speed, an indicator light would light up in the cockpit, and the pilot would have to reduce power to maintain max turbine RPM.  From my understanding, the turbo speed increased due to the decrease in pressure of the intake air.

Yes, there is "ram" air coming in the inlet, but it doesn't get to the cylinder intakes before it is compressed further by the turbo.  As long as the turbo operates below 18,250 rpm, its going to produce 52" of MP at the carburetor regardless of the pressure of the induction intake air.  Now, I don't know how this affects other aircraft in-game, but I think the Jug is immune to this one...  I know that naturally aspirated engines certainly benefit from ram air, but I think the turbo neutralizes the affect of ram air.  I could be wrong.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 05:37:28 AM by Stoney »
"Can we be incorrect at times, absolutely, but I do believe 15 years of experience does deserve a little more credence and respect than you have given from your very first post."


Offline grizz441

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #100 on: July 23, 2010, 07:46:32 AM »
Where did Chalenge go?   :headscratch:

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #101 on: July 23, 2010, 01:09:01 PM »
Where did Chalenge go?   :headscratch:

His old wingman, Ironman from his days in the CIA, called and left a message.  It seems like Chalenge and a relapse of brain cancer and was bitten again by a red scorpion and will be MIA until the next time he sticks his foot in his mouth.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline grizz441

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #102 on: July 23, 2010, 06:28:30 PM »
His old wingman, Ironman from his days in the CIA, called and left a message.  It seems like Chalenge and a relapse of brain cancer and was bitten again by a red scorpion and will be MIA until the next time he sticks his foot in his mouth.


It's a good thing that he unearthed the antidote years ago in the Iraqi desert when he had to ditch his F16 and dig 20 feet deep for water.  It shouldn't be long till he returns me thinks.

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #103 on: July 24, 2010, 02:18:16 AM »
Good thing he was merely bitten by the giant red scorpion and not stung. If being bitten causes insanity, just think what actually being stung by one would do.

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Re: Brewster vs. P-38 Zoom test
« Reply #104 on: July 24, 2010, 04:05:36 AM »
Good thing he was merely bitten by the giant red scorpion and not stung. If being bitten causes insanity, just think what actually being stung by one would do.

Being bitten causes a sudden heart attack, being stung would be instantly fatal.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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