I've tried to bring the DFC into the Arena and was the only one of two people that showed up. I've tried at various times to pull folks in, as a way to "make amends" with JG-54. Those times I succeeded in bringing 30+ people in there.
That aside, I'd say the No Icon thing could be seen as something "extra curricular". As I've never flown in there since that change, I am personally going on what the "majority" feels.
jd & VonMessa - It's a different ballgame now. Jaeger and the rest of JG-54 have made a change for the better, so leave the past where it is. Storch and I, disagreed on a lot of things, but in FW, we've sorta "patched things up". What happened here was simply a disagreement that was blown out of proportion.
JG-54 for trying to make serious strides and effort into reincarnating the AvA. I just wish for my sake, when a group of people say "Yeah, we'll be there", that they actually hold true.