im using an ipad which is the same thing minus the phone.
Writepad is an excellent handwriting recognition app. Well worth it.
Pros: Excellent handwriting recognition, easy to use.Lets you email your document.
Cons: Thats all it is. It wont save your documents in folders... it will just create a spam list of documents you've made. No audio recording. No export as pdf or .txt.
smartnote is an app I like for class.
Pros: Allows you to organize documetns in 'notebooks' , lets you record audio while taking notes. exports and imports PDF documents.
Cons: horrible handwriting recognition, interface could be better done. For some reason it doesnt have scroll down feature on a page you're working on.. just weird.
I use writepad to take notes in classes I understand then copy/paste the notes to smartnote's notebooks. Classes I have trouble with I use smartnote to record audio and use their 'drawing' note taking interface to write my notes down... at home I write them again in writepad and export them to the notebook.