Attention Waystin2 and company, it has come to my attention that you and your mouthy horde need a good lesson in how to play the game! As the un-official representative of the AVA regulars we challenge you and your Gang( cause thats what they are!) to a Aces High AVA challenge! Conditions are as follows:
When: Tuesday night September 28, 2010 at 930pm EST. Bring your Weiners with you we're having a pig roast!!
Where: AVA
What:3 sets of agreed upon bases. winner of each set is the one that captures the other guys base
best of 3 wins overall and can brag about it if they like( that will be the AVA guys, just to let you know ahead of time!)
Please Respond ASAP! If you dare.....
this event will be open to anyone else that wants to join us! just try keep numbers even.