welcome! my suggestion to you is to find a way to earn money (my first job was mowing my neighbor's lawn at age 14), and pay the subscription yourself.
also, check the training section of the forums, there's loads of great info from a number of fine gents. believe me, there is not much you can learn from slow-moving planes flying in a loose continuous circle.
when i first started playing online, i was blown away at the vast expanses of knowledge that i did not know, so just sit back and take advice. and listen quietly! no one likes an annoying squeaker (not pointing at you, but it does happen a lot).
if and when you do jump online, try to find myself or "BAR321" on bishops, and we'd be glad to let you fly with our squad (20th FG "Loco Busters") and teach you everything we know. but read everything you can on the trainers site and take advice from anyone who offers it (just dont fall for the "alt-f4" trick
good luck in your search for subscription money sir