Author Topic: GTX 580s out now  (Read 838 times)

Offline Skuzzy

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Re: GTX 580s out now
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2010, 04:24:35 PM »
Workstation video cards do not fare well in video editing situations.

"Flight simulators" is a broad term.  I consider Aces High to be a flight simulator as it does a bangup job of simulating flight.  ATI cards run it very well.  It sounds like you are talking about one specific application.  For any given application, some will work better on NVidia, others on ATI.

High resolution?  So you consider having 6 high resolution LCD panels connected and running at a resolution of 5940x3840 and maintaining a frame rate of over 45FPS in several top 10 gaming titles bad performance?  I have seen ATI cards do it.

Chalenge, I know you are a fan of NVidia, but you are not doing anyone any favors by expounding on all the good points of NVidia while lamenting ATI's short comings at the same time.  It just asserts your attachment to NVidia.  I could turn the tables and do the very same thing, if I were an ATI fanboi.  It accomplishes nothing and will more oftend than not, steer someone into making a poor decision.

You want to hear my recomendation when players ask me what card to buy?  I tell them they cannot go wrong if they are spending around $150, or more, on a video card.  ATI and Nvidia both make good product in the price range.

There is no such thing as a perfect Fermi.  There never will be.  If take an afront to that, it is only due to your lack of understanding the very nature of silicon design.  The GF100 is a botched design.  The design goes against the process chosen by the silicon manufacturer.  There is no doubt it will be fixed, but that will take a few turns of silicone in order to accomplish that.  This is not the first time this has happened with NVidia.  It has happened to ATI once as well.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

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Re: GTX 580s out now
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2010, 10:52:15 PM »
Yes with "flight simulators" I meant the flight sims that add weather than the more important aspects we enjoy in AH. With high resolution I meant 2560x1600 on a single monitor. Lets turn on some high AA and AF and see how those multi-monitors fare.

Im pretty sure the Fermi-bashers will still be bashing Nvidia even when they release the 6xx cards with twice the performance.

No electronics are perfect its true. What I meant was "polished" but since the process is flawed you can bash Nvidia for electronics being difficult to produce flawlessly. The problem is you add your voice to this and the bashers in this forum slam Nvidia as worthless. The Fermis are still the fastest single processor/card solution.

Over on gamedev the programmers (Jay Dolan for one and I cant recall the others right now)seem to be in agreement that Nvidia is by far the easier to optimize their routines for. I have to take his word for it but because he programs for graphics solutions and games as well I have to put weight on what he says.
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Re: GTX 580s out now
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2010, 09:08:39 AM »
I am not bashing NVidia.  I am strictly objective in this matter and everything I have stated is fact with no drama added.

You, on the other hand, have been bashing ATI while extolling how great NVidia is.  You have no engineering background, nor does it appear you have any design background in games either (weather is just graphics and can be implemented in a dozen different ways, some ATI friendly, some NVidia friendly and every programmer has thier own opinion as to what they like best.  Some of those opinions are based on how much money ATI or NVidia will toss the developer as well).  Your opinion seems to be based on some very specific things you do with your card(s), yet you make broad statements which can be misleading to the novice.

I support both products everyday.  I have to know what to expect so I do a lot of research into the products as it is the only way I can support them.  I do not depend on any one users opinion, nor do I put much stock in any WEB based articles which also state thier opinions.  Weeding through opinions to get to the facts is what I do.  There are very few articles on the WEB that do not start with the sentence, "I think...", while using subjective data to backup the opinion.

I fully understand you do not like ATI.  I have no issue with that.  I have an issue with the manner you try to persuade people to go with NVidia.  It is laced with obvious bias and misinformation.  I have no doubt you believe what you are saying, but you do have a limited sample to work with.

If I were to do what you are doing, I would be bashing NVidia and extolling how great ATI is, as in my application at home ATI is about 25% faster than NVidia and far more stable as well.  It is also quieter and runs much, much cooler drawing much less power which keeps my electric bill down.  That would not be the far, nor right thing to do.  My application is MY application.  I tested both, ATI won.

Yet, I will be the first to tell anyone, my application may not be your application and I will not recommend ATI over NVidia, or vice-versa.  There is a best card for any given application.  It all depends on the application.

For Aces High, either brand is fine as long as you watch how you update the software.

EDIT:  By the way Chalenge, I am not trying to pick on you here.  My sole concern is hardware be viewed in an objective manner.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 10:04:39 AM by Skuzzy »
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

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Re: GTX 580s out now
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2010, 04:36:31 PM »
I understand that Skuzzy. I do the same thing you do (without the engineering background) and I have come to a different conclusion. I also used to be the CAD Manager for a firm that did a lot of interior design work for aircraft remanufacturing and custom work. I can tell you that Ati has never had a card that could quickly change from wireframe to hidden surface to full rendered views without crashing the system or driving the tech crazy with freezes. I have the same problem with Ati today which is why I dont have any of their cards. The one thing I like about Nvidia cards is I install them and they work and I have never been able to say that about Ati especially with a brand new day-of-original release purchase.
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Re: GTX 580s out now
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2010, 04:43:33 PM »
Now you are getting specific.  Yes, ATI does not do OpenGl well, but more importantly, NVidia has a lock on that market as they throw a lot of money at those firms to make sure the OpenGL code is optimized for NVidia.  Nothing wrong with that at all.

If I had to use OpenGl all day, I would use NVidia.  For DirectX, it is a wash, for the most part.  Both companies have winners and losers in that realm.  For video encoding/decoding ATI has done what NVidia has done in the OpenGL market and so they have an edge there.

Like I said, it is all about the application.  There is no one company who does it all better than the other.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese