Thanks guys good feedback,
AVA as recommended by semp - I was unaware of manual cal there thanks for noting that - however I'm pretty sure there aren't any selectable air launch altitudes as in the TA bombing area, could be dead wrong on that one too though, Have to check this AVA out, been there twice was a Hoot -no icons - and them 109's sure have the cammo going on. I also (a long time back) moved the whole TA to my offline missions, so offline is covered for practice.
I wanted it (manual/auto) selectable per player in order to prevent messing with the new people, that was key - the learning curve is steep enough. Probably a coding nightmare -- your right chilli it would likely have to be an area.
Online allows the squad to meet - shoot the _ _ _ _ etc. The camraderie of the whole thing etc.
Rangers off line missions ROCK - if you read this Ranger - Your Offliners are the BEST
Trying not to duplicate threads - believe the other was going manual in the MA -
So with that said how about number 2 - the target idea : ??