poor cell phone camera:

Red one on the left is a frankenpoop made from the neck of a guitar I had signed by Tesla (broke it in drunken rage with GF at the time), current body signed by the "Rust in Peace" line-up of Megadeath.
Blue clear-coat is a USA Squire Pro-Tone with gold hardware. It looks pretty, but the action is crap. The tone is really bright, even with the maple neck.
Black thing behind it is a no-name with a humbucker at the bridge and it has a great tone.
Bass hanging in the back is a no-name P-bass copy, and in the corner are 2 junk acoustics.
Vox Valvetronix VT15 real tube amp, it is as loud as the Crate G130C XL below the stand. The Crate has it's moments, I think the input jack has a short, but it can rock. On the floor is a Digitech RP-5, not great, but I have a few decent tones set that work with the Crate. The Vox has some built in models that are just golden though. Played solid state my whole life until on a whim bought this... oh what a difference a real tube makes!
On the stand is a Mackie 16 channel mixer, old Yamaha 4 track, Dr-660 drum machine, Alesis compressor, Furman power conditioner, and a broken Digitech effects processor. Shure SM-57 and Audio Tecnhica M4000S.
Nothing awesome, but enough to do some decent music.