I have completed my BoG web page
AND my BoG Frame 6 slideshow. I made a call on the background for the webpage based on what "fits" since some of the navigation tools are transparent it's hard to get it all to work right!
I really need to upgrade the whole site!
Backgrounds tile with larger monitors. (best viewed 1024 by 768)
Rather than load up the page with images, I will post a link to the website and the Slideshow.
JG26 led by Vasco and Ditto was my group. A great bunch of folks. My hats off to the many that attended. Especially thanks to Leitwolf and Vasco for hanging in there with all their dumps.
My BoG web Page is: http://www.kkenshome.com/bog.html (Films and all 7 frames AAR/Slideshows linked)
If you like a screenie better for the background, I am open for suggestions.
Battle Over Germany Slideshow Frame 6: http://www.kkenshome.com/BoGFrame6/ (90 images)
The Slideshow defaults at 10 seconds per slide. You can change it. Click first image and it will play full screen (default) with the narrative text imposed over the screenie. It's my AAR for Frame 6.
Here is a single image:
AND for my dear friend, BAR321, here ya go....I got a lucky shot/angle