B-29 what is that?BTW, you guys see the new 4 engine JUG on the front page? JUGgler
Which is why its introduction into the game is a joke. The performance will be several times better than ever flown in the real war.EDIT: Now if they could somehow do something so that your experience against them is somewhat more historic, that would be ideal.... Engines limited output at high AoA? Spontaneous engine fires if you climb at full throttle? Something...
Folks, play nice.
anyone see the 80x100lbs. bombs on the ords counter in the cockpit?
Wow, you guys need help.
Finally My p-51 has a real job to do
Why are folks complaining about the B29????? I can shut down 2 small bases with 1 set of lancs now. I can demolish a HQ with 1 set of lancs now. I can shut down 1 base and white flag a town with 1 set of lancs now. The only advantage the 29 will be alt., speed and guns which is needed badly. Besides, most guys are not going to have the perks to up a set of them anyway. I doubt you will see any missions with B29's because of perks. It will just be nice tool for us bomber lovers and I doubt it will have a large impact on the game. And I have PLENTY of perks to spend on them!
Not me dirt, I will use it for multiple base shut downs. By myself too.
Yup, too bad we still can't shut down runways though by dropping all 80 from one end to the other.