Author Topic: Is this what Hitech wants?  (Read 25854 times)

Offline bmwgs

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #495 on: March 07, 2011, 01:17:24 PM »
It was close to a 50/50 at most a 60/40 split on both fronts at times, the rooks were pushing really hard to get a base down there and that fight lasted all day and was finally taken by the rooks, I was bouncing back and forth depending on when the bish horde came in.  I am an equal opportunity pilot shooter downer.......  ;)

There still is no justification for any 1 side having as much as 40+ players advantage which forces more defense rather offense postures day in and day out.  

Don't know what you mean by 50/50 or 60/40.  Are you saying that all fronts were 50/50 or 60/40?    

I don't think I have ever seen an equal balance between all countries fighting each other.  Two are always, if you want to call it ganging, the third country.  All three countries are on the receiving end of this, so I am not making any distinction between countries.  I'm just saying based on the numbers you posted, where was the fighting going on?  If both Knights and Rooks were fighting the Bishop at that time, with minimal fighting between them, then at that given time, the Bishops were actually at a disadvantage, especially if there is Eny involved.

I'm just saying, the numbers are not reflective of what actually is going on unless the map is posted with it.

My opinion

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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #496 on: March 07, 2011, 01:22:24 PM »
50/50 and 60/40.  About equal nits on both fronts, at one point it may have been as much as 60% of nit on bish front each time they came in with a horde at that time.

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #497 on: March 07, 2011, 01:25:27 PM »
I do not see the issue with steamed rolls...... I personally think they are great with butter.
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Offline moot

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #498 on: March 07, 2011, 02:34:00 PM »
"lotta hatred"
That right there tells me I'm either talking to a child or someone with some agenda not to be totally honest.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 03:20:57 PM by moot »
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #499 on: March 07, 2011, 02:38:09 PM »
I never argue with M00t, he uses too many big words ;). This is the thing tho:  There are a fair number of people who could care less whether a victory comes from a challenging fight, or from a simple execution of afk/outnumbered/taxiing plane. If they stay here long enough, they start to care about that difference

I think that may be the biggest misconception a lot of you guys that live for 'fair fights' have.  I firmly believe there is a good portion of people that don't evolve beyond that, because either it makes them happy or they don't want to make the game like 'work' to move beyond that.  They either continue on doing what they do, or they wind up moving on to the next game when they get bored.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #500 on: March 07, 2011, 02:55:21 PM »
That right there tells me I'm either talking to a child or someone with some agenda not to be totally honest.

Ten was just being a little cocky but I got his point. What's yours?

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #501 on: March 07, 2011, 03:21:00 PM »
Is this serious?  You expect anyone in their right mind to guesstimate the number of enemies who will or will not up to defend, then adjust our plane choice and load-outs accordingly just so the other side feels good about almost not losing a base...  The point is to take the base, not drop flowers and valentines to the Rook/Nits.
So there's nothing to argue about, you plainly say you don't care if the other side gets zero gameplay out of your missions.  Making the other side feel good = strawman

Its our fault you can organize a proper defense.
Doesn't sound like that's what you meant to write.  I can't tell what you mean. 
Since we don't fight you should be able to bring 5 Spit 16's and have us cleared in no time.
If you have no escort?  Sure.  Yes "I" have killed plenty of "guys like you". I've done a few tours where I had three figure kill tallies against bombers. You're wrong if you think I'm motivated for this argument because I've got something to prove. It's not about me and not really about you in particular either.

1v1 boxing isn't even close to the same thing as this game.
Prolly no such thing as a perfect analogy. Analogies only emphasize a particular similarity.  The boxing analogy only illustrates one thing: victory without peril, base capture without a fight, people sitting in front of their computers effectively as spectators.

And if you think those boxers treat their fight like you want to treat AH you really are nuts.
Doesnt sound like you understand my argument.  I don't want you to do anything, I'm only arguing the pros and cons of different scenarios.  Your impression that I'm a furballer is mostly ok, and what do furballers do?  They kill players, not buildings.  As far as I'm privately concerned the you guys are just targets, but like I said this isn't about what I like.  The objective is to clear up some misunderstandings on both sides even if I'm probably a little biased towards detailing the tactical side.

  If Boxer A beats the snot out of Boxer B in 45 seconds in a pay per view fight the commentators don't blame Boxer A because he didn't give people their moneys worth and then proceed to lecture him on how he could have not used his right jab until the 6th round,
Non sequitur, or how to warp an analogy's meaning

or unless Boxer B started to hit him to much, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE PROPOSING WE DO.  The commentators call Boxer B unprepared and unworthy to have fought Boxer A and without questions will say that Boxer B didn't deserve to win the fight.
More derailed analogy and back to square one, you're essentially saying the game is all about you, and that you're ok with waging war against unoccupied buildings and conquering empty territory, that getting a fight while racking up the real estate is not an objective.  I did say you guys had the strategic side down pat but I guess it's too hard to take a compliment at face value.

And if the game was all about tactical gameplay we'd only be allowed to fly one plane, and only 1v1, and only bomb while being shot at.
Yes obviously.  I didn't say strategic had no place in the game, only that you couldn't (not yet anyway) expect to not rub a non negligible chunk of the players the wrong way if you basically deny them any tactical answer to your strategic action.  I also said and say that big uncontested missions are boring but that's just some opinionated coloring to my actual arguments

True, but you don't hear us crying because people are fooling around in TT or furballing and not wanting to roll in the missions.  We don't care how you want to play or what you want to do.  Wanna come with us, cool nice to see you.  Wanna fight all by yourself, we'll give you a WTG when you land kills.
I'd appreciate the WTG and I mostly agree with the sentiment but it just hides the misunderstanding at the root of this argument:  Players like me don't care about names in lights - it's not the destination but the road that matters to us.  We don't care if you win the war or if we beat you.  We just want to have a good fight out of it.  Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on who you ask) we don't have any hierarchy like you guys.  So in that respect you're preaching to the choir - we don't want to tell others what to do, even less than you do.  That's not true about all "furballers" but there's a good number of us and if you make the argument personal you ought to know that. 
"Crying" = strawman
"fooling around" :  :lol  What... And you're not fooling around in front of your computer?

It's not that we don't understand it,
In fact you don't

we think it's crap for him or anyone else to tell us how and under what circumstances we 'should' play.
Where did I pretend to have such authority?  I'm not concerned with crap or how much esteem you have for me, only what makes sense. I'm just reasoning that you would still have your strategic success if you changed the plan a little so that there was some actual air combat involved instead of a colonization swarm.  You could allow some tactical resistance while still denying any significant strategic attempts.  If you pull the rug from under the feet of an oppfor that's disorganized because e.g. it's nothing but players who don't know each other, you're not gonna get much tactical level resistance and consequently definitely nothing at strat level. 
Yes this is basically mostly a tragedy of the commons argument.  But youll miss the mark if you ignore mine and others arguments and tunnel vision on the abstract ethics of 'tragedy of the commons'

But like I said if you see nothing wrong with conquering territory with zero resistance, that's fine too.  I think you're pooping where you eat, even if only a little, but it's your call.

their just as deep seated in thier views as us.
but they cant look over the fence and see what anyone else is talkin about.
January 2009.

I never argue with M00t, he uses too many big words ;)
Less words = sooner to the point

. This is the thing tho:  There are a fair number of people who could care less whether a victory comes from a challenging fight, or from a simple execution of afk/outnumbered/taxiing plane. If they stay here long enough, they start to care about that difference
So you basically have the same pov as me, only you're not quite making it so forcefully.  But in my experience if you don't make it clear like that the discussion starts picking up baggage in misunderstandings and soon enough you're spending as much time clearing up misunderstandings as actually arguing the meat of the matter

I think that may be the biggest misconception a lot of you guys that live for 'fair fights' have.  I firmly believe there is a good portion of people that don't evolve beyond that, because either it makes them happy or they don't want to make the game like 'work' to move beyond that.  They either continue on doing what they do, or they wind up moving on to the next game when they get bored.

I personally don't want a fair fight.  I just want a good fight.  I can't really argue for an unfair fight though, not if I'm speaking for more than just myself.

Ten was just being a little cocky but I got his point. What's yours?
That he's already missing the point with his first reply. 

FYI:  this "furballers vs toolsheders" debate's had more episodes than I remember.  And I'm not even one of the oldest players here, I only started in 2000.  Take this at face value, not as some thinly veiled smack talk:  If you've only been here since this last november, you're missing that historical context, regardless how good or bad the points you make.  And yes history in the game is almost totally irrespective to someone's credibility.  But just FYI on the context here.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 03:23:11 PM by moot »
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #502 on: March 07, 2011, 03:30:38 PM »
You have no more credibilty, moot, you just have lots more words than most people.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline bj229r

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #503 on: March 07, 2011, 03:34:59 PM »
Lol I warned the he's gotta decide whether to give up or redirect the argument, and get a bunch of his fairly new friends to all declare M00t wrong
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #504 on: March 07, 2011, 03:39:14 PM »
You have no more credibilty, moot, you just have lots more words than most people.
I don't need or want or pretend to have more credibility.  More or less words doesn't matter, everyone's got their quirks and nobody's perfect; I can accommodate that and it's not my problem if others can't reciprocate. The funny thing is that no matter how I'll argue it there'll always be someone like you who wants to throw cabbage.  So whether I'm curt or elaborately specific is irrelevant.

Reason is the only thing that matters
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 03:41:44 PM by moot »
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #505 on: March 07, 2011, 04:04:29 PM »
Is this serious?  You expect anyone in their right mind to guesstimate the number of enemies who will or will not up to defend, then adjust our plane choice and load-outs accordingly just so the other side feels good about almost not losing a base...  The point is to take the base, not drop flowers and valentines to the Rook/Nits.
Its our fault you can organize a proper defense.  Since we don't fight you should be able to bring 5 Spit 16's and have us cleared in no time.
1v1 boxing isn't even close to the same thing as this game.  And if you think those boxers treat their fight like you want to treat AH you really are nuts.  If Boxer A beats the snot out of Boxer B in 45 seconds in a pay per view fight the commentators don't blame Boxer A because he didn't give people their moneys worth and then proceed to lecture him on how he could have not used his right jab until the 6th round, or unless Boxer B started to hit him to much, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE PROPOSING WE DO.  The commentators call Boxer B unprepared and unworthy to have fought Boxer A and without questions will say that Boxer B didn't deserve to win the fight.
And if the game was all about tactical gameplay we'd only be allowed to fly one plane, and only 1v1, and only bomb while being shot at.
True, but you don't hear us crying because people are fooling around in TT or furballing and not wanting to roll in the missions.  We don't care how you want to play or what you want to do.  Wanna come with us, cool nice to see you.  Wanna fight all by yourself, we'll give you a WTG when you land kills.
It's not that we don't understand it, we think it's crap for him or anyone else to tell us how and under what circumstances we 'should' play.

With great success comes great hatred.

Look at it this way...

To take down ALL the hangers at a small field is 18k

To drop a town to 75% takes 18k

Total to take a small field/town is 36k

A formation of B24's can carry 8 1K bombs each for a Total 24 K, even if you only hit at 50% you still only NEED 3 B24s to take down enough for a small field/town. Add 5 guys in fighters to clean up any defender that get out, and a goon you have 9 people.

With 9 people you have enough ord to take out EVERYTHING you NEED to take the place. A little skill and a good route for the B24's and and defenders won't get up.

So what you NEED is 9-10 guys, what you bring is 40-50. Even with 5 minute warning, you can't get 30-40 guys into a defensive set-up. With the smaller force you might run into 5 or 6 defenders, but if your hitting 4-5 bases (10 x 4-5= 40-50 guys) at once odds are good your still going to capture a few bases.

The difference being that even the defenders could have fun this way, even while YOU PLAY YOUR WAY AND CAPTURE BASES!

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #506 on: March 07, 2011, 04:21:03 PM »
Even with 5 minute warning, you can't get 30-40 guys into a defensive set-up.

So ultimately the problem is with the defenders, not the attackers?


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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #507 on: March 07, 2011, 04:21:48 PM »
I don't need or want or pretend to have more credibility.  More or less words doesn't matter, everyone's got their quirks and nobody's perfect; I can accommodate that and it's not my problem if others can't reciprocate. The funny thing is that no matter how I'll argue it there'll always be someone like you who wants to throw cabbage.  So whether I'm curt or elaborately specific is irrelevant.

Reason is the only thing that matters

How did I throw cabbages?  :huh
I just pointed out a fact that I was not sure you were aware of. Seems you were aware.

Not sure I follow your last statement. Reason is the only thing that matters in life or in this debate?
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #508 on: March 07, 2011, 04:29:23 PM »
That's some lame bait right there. 
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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #509 on: March 07, 2011, 04:32:25 PM »

And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.