Regarding the maneuverability, in tactical trials against the Tempest Mk.V Meteor Mk.III turned inside the Tempest and could get to the Tempest's tail in approximately four turns. Considering the weight of the Me262 in AH, Meteor had a wingloading of only roughly half of that of the Me262's. The directional instability of the Meteor was really bad and the oscillation (snaking) just increased with speed. Trying to lessen this tendency with rudder just made it worse.
On thing that would have given Me262 a huge tactical advantage especially in real life is significanly higher critical mach. This along the fact that it was faster makes it overall the better fighter. In Aces High things are different from real life/war in many ways and many of these differences skew the situation for the Meteor. In real life it would be squadron of Me262s against squadron of Me262 and that would rarely happen in the AH MAs. In real life the higher critical mach and top speed are very important. In AH the fights would be mostly against prop planes and in these situations people do things in 262s what they wouldn't do so readily in real life like slowing down, that would make it easier prey for the Meteor. Also, even with poor directional stability the hispanos are dangerous to clearly longer distancies than they normally were in real life.