Author Topic: Are there enough players?  (Read 8604 times)

Offline pembquist

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #150 on: April 20, 2011, 01:21:00 PM »
Two words: CASH PRIZES

now i will quietly run away......
Pies not kicks.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #151 on: April 20, 2011, 01:38:52 PM »
Would be nice to be able to donate perks to someone. If only once a month. There are many of us who never even use them.

Not a cash prize.... was just thinking out loud. :)
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #152 on: April 20, 2011, 04:47:41 PM »
I would argue that World War 2 Online has as many players online as Aces High does and it's been around for quite a while. I would also argue that World War 2 Online had way more players at some point. Planetside failed because SOE is retarded (hello SWG).

People don't take out strategic targets because it takes only a few hours of just zerging bases to win the map with the current "war." Why can't the game require one country to take a capitol before they win? Those clusters of factories/cities/capitol look awesome and I'd love to fight in/around it, but it NEVER happens. There is no war currently, it feels like a battlefield map where you take maybe two or three bases and you win (I know it's more than two or three, but not by much). This is silly especially with how easy it is to fly under radar with 20 or less people and immediately take down every spawn building before defenders can even spawn onto the runway to attempt a defense. Attack orders like in World War 2 Online would allow defenders to actually defend. I'm not going to repeat my reasoning behind it, but if you care, you can look back when I talked about it a couple pages ago. I don't know what the sequential base order thing was, but attack orders sounds different from what that was.

This is your line that caused me to start my post the way I did. I followed that up with the information that I played WWII on-line when it first started so that you could under stand why my comments where what they were. The old "Been there, did that" info.

Take out the first paragraph and your argument becomes much more solid. You constantly berate me for being young, yet you're the only one slinging insults around. I never said World War 2 Online came out first, nor did I say that it had a flawless launch. What I do know about World War 2 Online is that they have an actual persistent war with strategic targets that matter. I also know that at their peak, they had way more players than Aces High. The game you are talking about didn't really exist for very long. Comparing the old versions of both games to each other is silly. It would be like comparing Starcraft: Brood War to Warcraft II even though Starcraft II and Warcraft III are already out. It just doesn't make any sense and doesn't add anything to the discussion.

Where did I "berate" you for being young? Although, you start this post proving that you are young with one bigarnold chip on your shoulder. The point I was making, with YOUR information, is that while Aces High is still here and has grown, WWII On-line had it's hey day early, and is now slipping away. Maybe it's because of the way this game is managed, as compared to how that one is.

I remember playing old FPS games on a 56k modem. I remember playing MMORPGs where the players had to make their own content (sandbox). EVE online is still around with that model and has done nothing but grow over the years, but it doesn't have anywhere near the numbers that the major "theme park" MMOs have where a lot of the content is scripted. What I'm trying to say is that games evolve or they become extremely niche. Again, the question is do they want this game to have a small and loyal playerbase or try to attract a larger crowd?

Flight Sims have always been a niche type game, especially ones that have good flight models. The reason being is that it takes time and practice (as you are finding out) to become average, never mind elite at them. Eve, WoW, COD are all games that you can learn in an afternoon, and be good at them in a week or two. They are also games that you can be bored with in a couple months.

As for being history buffs. I'm fairly confident in my World War 2 knowledge, but that doesn't mean I want to have a full war simulation. I want the planes to behave historically, but I don't want to go on multiple hour long sorties with the possibility of not even seeing an enemy. Snapshots are available for those that do. The current bases are spaced really closely together such that you have to try really hard to fly for more than ten minutes toward an enemy base and not find an enemy. I like that, but there are times where I may want to sit back and watch the ballgame while auto climbing in a bomber and go bomb something. Adding in some real strategic targets could possibly increase the number of people flying high level bombing attacks and since they will show up on radar and have to fly way behind enemy lines, fighters would be able to intercept them. This could lead to some interesting fights to go along with the base fights. I'd also like to see some actual flak guns on the fields. The factory that produces them could make for a good strategic target. The flak would make it much harder for people to simply swarm a base. A high altitude bomber would have to take the flak out before the smaller planes could get near the field. Taking out the strategic factory could accomplish the same thing, as could ground vehicles or cruiser guns.

I wasn't picking on you directly when I said that about the player base NOT knowing WWII history. From what I've read of your post it's doesn't sound like thats the reason your here to play either. The reason I mentioned the history is that most of the older players, or those that played years ago even if they have left, played the game for the thrill of being a WWII pilot. For most of them it wasn't a game, it was an alternate reality, and alter ego. They played the "game" like they had read about WWII. They built missions, looked for enemy missions, fought tank battles on a battle field. To most it was the battle that was what they were after, winning the war was secondary. [/quote]

That brings me to my realization of the problem. My solutions may not be the best choice or the most popular but the problem remains. The problem is that currently, the best way to win the war is to take the bases as fast as possible and ignore strategic targets. The fastest way to take bases is to zerg them. It's very hard to take out all the bombers and fighter bombers using short range AA (they fire their rockets and drop their bombs before you can come close to killing them) and your own fighters. It's very very difficult to counter a horde of fighter bombers hellbent on beelining towards the base with their ords. So the problem is that to win the war, there are no other options than to take bases and taking bases is best accomplished by zerging. There needs to be more options to take bases and there needs to be more options for base defense. Cutting off supplies, large flak guns, destroying factories for said flak guns, etc.

Todays players are all about winning the war, to them it is the ONLY goal in this game, much like other games, you must battle and defeat the "boss monster" to win, how they get through that battle is unimportant. "Power-ups", "walk through guides" "hidden manna" what ever. I see it with my son all the time. He's 24 and works for a Security Software company and has been brought up on Nintendo. I think he beat Zelda before he was even in school! I've seen him go through game after game. Assassins Creed lasted 2 weeks. He beat it in 3 days, then went back and did all the "side games", and then he moved on to another game. This is the player mentality these days. Whether your young or old, if your playing Xbox, Playstation or WWii it's how your "trained". Buy the game, look up the codes, play the game, beat the game, and BUY a new game. It's how they make their money.

Aces High on the other hand isn't like that. You don't just whip through it and move on to the next one, though I'm sure the turn over is higher these days than it was 7-10 years ago. It's a fun game, and so many are looking for the "next one" because they "beat" this one by winning the war so often and they are bored. That's why you see sooooo many request for this pane and that plane (even tho they were never in the war), or this tank or that tank, or new terrains/maps. They are bored. The problem is, to play all the side game in Aces High, you have to LEARN how to really play, TRAIN and PRACTICE to get good enough to accomplish them, and that's just too much work.

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #153 on: April 20, 2011, 04:51:21 PM »
This is your line that caused me to start my post the way I did. I followed that up with the information that I played WWII on-line when it first started so that you could under stand why my comments where what they were. The old "Been there, did that" info.

Where did I "berate" you for being young? Although, you start this post proving that you are young with one bigarnold chip on your shoulder. The point I was making, with YOUR information, is that while Aces High is still here and has grown, WWII On-line had it's hey day early, and is now slipping away. Maybe it's because of the way this game is managed, as compared to how that one is.

Flight Sims have always been a niche type game, especially ones that have good flight models. The reason being is that it takes time and practice (as you are finding out) to become average, never mind elite at them. Eve, WoW, COD are all games that you can learn in an afternoon, and be good at them in a week or two. They are also games that you can be bored with in a couple months.

I wasn't picking on you directly when I said that about the player base NOT knowing WWII history. From what I've read of your post it's doesn't sound like thats the reason your here to play either. The reason I mentioned the history is that most of the older players, or those that played years ago even if they have left, played the game for the thrill of being a WWII pilot. For most of them it wasn't a game, it was an alternate reality, and alter ego. They played the "game" like they had read about WWII. They built missions, looked for enemy missions, fought tank battles on a battle field. To most it was the battle that was what they were after, winning the war was secondary.

Todays players are all about winning the war, to them it is the ONLY goal in this game, much like other games, you must battle and defeat the "boss monster" to win, how they get through that battle is unimportant. "Power-ups", "walk through guides" "hidden manna" what ever. I see it with my son all the time. He's 24 and works for a Security Software company and has been brought up on Nintendo. I think he beat Zelda before he was even in school! I've seen him go through game after game. Assassins Creed lasted 2 weeks. He beat it in 3 days, then went back and did all the "side games", and then he moved on to another game. This is the player mentality these days. Whether your young or old, if your playing Xbox, Playstation or WWii it's how your "trained". Buy the game, look up the codes, play the game, beat the game, and BUY a new game. It's how they make their money.

Aces High on the other hand isn't like that. You don't just whip through it and move on to the next one, though I'm sure the turn over is higher these days than it was 7-10 years ago. It's a fun game, and so many are looking for the "next one" because they "beat" this one by winning the war so often and they are bored. That's why you see sooooo many request for this pane and that plane (even tho they were never in the war), or this tank or that tank, or new terrains/maps. They are bored. The problem is, to play all the side game in Aces High, you have to LEARN how to really play, TRAIN and PRACTICE to get good enough to accomplish them, and that's just too much work.

spot on :aok

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #154 on: April 20, 2011, 05:18:38 PM »
Or fly in an arena where folks want to fight. All it takes is like minded folks and two opposing bases.

Clearly you do not appreciate goal-oriented strategery.

- oldman

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #155 on: April 20, 2011, 05:20:31 PM »

Clearly you do not appreciate goal-oriented strategery.

- oldman

He's from Texas, you gotta expect that :)
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Offline Hoff

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #156 on: April 20, 2011, 06:25:47 PM »
Where did I "berate" you for being young? Although, you start this post proving that you are young with one bigarnold chip on your shoulder. The point I was making, with YOUR information, is that while Aces High is still here and has grown, WWII On-line had it's hey day early, and is now slipping away. Maybe it's because of the way this game is managed, as compared to how that one is.

My bad, I mistook you for someone else. As for World War 2 Online, it has as least as many players as Aces High so your point is invalid. Not only that, but your claim that Aces High has grown is completely false. I've seen numerous people say the game had way more players a long time ago. World War 2 Online had a better hayday and still has as many players as Aces High. Who knows, if this game ever had a hayday like they did, HTC might have more opportunity to expand and hire due to increased revenue.

Flight Sims have always been a niche type game, especially ones that have good flight models. The reason being is that it takes time and practice (as you are finding out) to become average, never mind elite at them. Eve, WoW, COD are all games that you can learn in an afternoon, and be good at them in a week or two. They are also games that you can be bored with in a couple months.

This game doesn't take more time and practice to become good than a FPS. To argue this point we'd have to define good, which would be completely based off personal experience. As a competitive FPS player that has played in tournaments I can say that I don't need to practice any more or less to become good at this game than any other. It's all about meticulously figuring out what to do in each situation. You may have good hand eye coordination, but that's really only half of what makes a good tournament level FPS player, the same could be said for Aces High. Knowing your plane and having good gunnery is only half the fight. We could argue this for hours, but I wouldn't say it has taken me a ton longer to become decent at this game than it did for me to become decent at a new FPS game.

I would argue that the reason you don't see boredom running rampant in flight sims is because there aren't a lot of choices. When you look at FPS there are a TON of games that you want to play and it's not that you get bored of a FPS, you just want to try another one more than you want to keep playing the same one. With Aces High, there's really nowhere else to go.

Todays players are all about winning the war, to them it is the ONLY goal in this game, much like other games, you must battle and defeat the "boss monster" to win, how they get through that battle is unimportant. "Power-ups", "walk through guides" "hidden manna" what ever. I see it with my son all the time. He's 24 and works for a Security Software company and has been brought up on Nintendo. I think he beat Zelda before he was even in school! I've seen him go through game after game. Assassins Creed lasted 2 weeks. He beat it in 3 days, then went back and did all the "side games", and then he moved on to another game. This is the player mentality these days. Whether your young or old, if your playing Xbox, Playstation or WWii it's how your "trained". Buy the game, look up the codes, play the game, beat the game, and BUY a new game. It's how they make their money.

I'm the same age as your son. I was brought up on the Atari2600, original NES, game boy, and old computer games like King's Quest and Might and Magic. Your son seems to have fallen for the console trap that destroys gamers. I haven't and many others of my generation are still PC gamers that love learning on our own and figuring things out. Portal and Portal 2 are two of my favorite games of all time. I love Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. I love Civilization, Masters of Orion, and XCOM. I love adventure games with tons of sidequests like Chorono Trigger, Final Fantasy 7, and Final Fantasy 8. As for game guides, I'll look up a guide AFTER I've beaten a game just to see if there was anything I might have missed. Games these days aren't meant to be played multiple times. They are interactive movies for the most part. Back in the day, games like Civ, Masters of Orion, etc. could be played multiple times because the experience was never the same. With games like Assassin's Creed, the cutscenes are the same, the boss fights are the same, etc. Consoles have dumbed down gaming in general, but PC games are still around that aren't mindless interactive movies.

Sure, most gamers these days are mindless console sheep, but they wouldn't be interested in flight sims anyways (except for games like Battlefield, HAWX, and Crimson Skies). There are still younger gamers that like challenges and figuring things out. Most younger gamers are hyper competitive, so when you dangle a carrot out there that you can WIN the war, they're going to do whatever they can to win it. For some, this is how they compete, by winning the war. For others they win by being a really good dogfighter and winning dogfights. Others may win by being really good tankers. Others may be really good bombers. The problem currently is that it seems that most players measure winning by winning the map and the current system for winning the map really dumbs down the gameplay. Regardless of what you think should be the goal of players, the goal right now is winning the war and the game should cater to making winning the war a fun thing instead of trying to get players to have a different goal than winning the war.

You're probably right in that immersion is less of a factor now than it was a while ago. I can't say for sure about back then, but I know it's not a huge factor now. There are snapshots for people that really want that though. You can still make missions and fly "realistically" if you really want to.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 06:32:43 PM by Hoff »

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #157 on: April 20, 2011, 07:25:40 PM »
My bad, I mistook you for someone else. As for World War 2 Online, it has as least as many players as Aces High so your point is invalid. Not only that, but your claim that Aces High has grown is completely false. I've seen numerous people say the game had way more players a long time ago. World War 2 Online had a better hayday and still has as many players as Aces High. Who knows, if this game ever had a hayday like they did, HTC might have more opportunity to expand and hire due to increased revenue.

This game doesn't take more time and practice to become good than a FPS. To argue this point we'd have to define good, which would be completely based off personal experience. As a competitive FPS player that has played in tournaments I can say that I don't need to practice any more or less to become good at this game than any other. It's all about meticulously figuring out what to do in each situation. You may have good hand eye coordination, but that's really only half of what makes a good tournament level FPS player, the same could be said for Aces High. Knowing your plane and having good gunnery is only half the fight. We could argue this for hours, but I wouldn't say it has taken me a ton longer to become decent at this game than it did for me to become decent at a new FPS game.

Spoken like a true gamer. I've never fought you I don't think, but I have watched every film you posted, and I can tell you that you still have a LOT to learn, and that's just the flying a fighter part. Like I said before, there are many "side games" to play here, and all take learning.

I would argue that the reason you don't see boredom running rampant in flight sims is because there aren't a lot of choices. When you look at FPS there are a TON of games that you want to play and it's not that you get bored of a FPS, you just want to try another one more than you want to keep playing the same one. With Aces High, there's really nowhere else to go.

There is a lot of boredom here, look at all of the complaints on how the game should be fixed. All of those "complaners" are bored. I'm guilty of it too, I'm bored with fighting the horde and the HOers, I want to see some fights!

I'm the same age as your son. I was brought up on the Atari2600, original NES, game boy, and old computer games like King's Quest and Might and Magic. Your son seems to have fallen for the console trap that destroys gamers. I haven't and many others of my generation are still PC gamers that love learning on our own and figuring things out. Portal and Portal 2 are two of my favorite games of all time. I love Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. I love Civilization, Masters of Orion, and XCOM. I love adventure games with tons of sidequests like Chorono Trigger, Final Fantasy 7, and Final Fantasy 8. As for game guides, I'll look up a guide AFTER I've beaten a game just to see if there was anything I might have missed. Games these days aren't meant to be played multiple times. They are interactive movies for the most part. Back in the day, games like Civ, Masters of Orion, etc. could be played multiple times because the experience was never the same. With games like Assassin's Creed, the cutscenes are the same, the boss fights are the same, etc. Consoles have dumbed down gaming in general, but PC games are still around that aren't mindless interactive movies.

LOL!!! you couldn't be more wrong about my son, he's a gamer PERIOD! I'd post a picture of his room but his mother would kill me (she didn't bring him up to be THAT messy!  :P ) He has the 3 big game systems, he just got the new 3d handheld, and he has a computer that anyone in this game would give his left nut for. Whether it's on the computer, or a game system, or on the small hand helds he's a gamer. It doesn't hurt to work in computers be single and make crap loads of money. He shelves use to be loaded with trophy's as well. He's actually working on breaking a record for a complete start to finish of a game (record is 2 hours and a few minutes, he's sure he can get it done in under an hour  :rolleyes: )

The point is gamers, like yourself and a very big percentage of the players today look at games a different way because that is all they know. You think you'll come in and in a couple of weeks be a top dog here, it's how a gamer thinks. A flight simmer looks at a game much different. They will spends hours upon hours reading about flight, and learn all the how's and why's of it. They will read all the info at the site, on forums, and watch films, before they even load up the game.  Gamers on the other hand just dive in, "learn as they go" type of play. In this type of game, your not going to learn a lot while you play.

You're probably right in that immersion is less of a factor now than it was a while ago. I can't say for sure about back then, but I know it's not a huge factor now. There are snapshots for people that really want that though. You can still make missions and fly "realistically" if you really want to.

Again, spoken like a true gamer. The immersion is what makes the game. If the "cut shots in Final Fantasy sucked, and the characters move stiffly, and the weapon animations was more like stop action how fun would the game be?  Todays players are blowing by all the important parts of this game just for the sake of "winning the war" . You might as well turn off all the animations, back down the color on your TV and plug in all the "modes" they have and play your favorite console/computer game.

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #158 on: April 20, 2011, 07:49:20 PM »
When I said people weren't bored of flight sims, I meant to say that they aren't leaving to go to other games due to the boredom as you were equating boredom in other games to people leaving them.

I think you missed the point of the whole gamer thing. You were saying that my generation only cares about beating games ASAP and plays a ton of games. I was stating and giving examples of the opposite. Not only that, but you contradict yourself because your son is trying to speed run games and has tons of consoles and games to play, yet you call him a "true gamer." I would call that a console gamer, not a "true gamer." Immersion is important up to a certain point. The planes have to feel real, they have to look real, and they have to fly realistically. You don't see yourself having to sharpen your sword after every fight in assassin's creed or final fantasy. You don't have to wait 8+ hours every time you rest in a video game. You don't have to spend 30+ minutes eating food to replenish your health. Now this might seem blatantly obvious and stupid to say, but you can equate things like that to flight sims. Most people don't want to spend hours in a bomber before they reach their target, nor do they want to drive their tanks for hours before they see any enemies. It's a game, sacrifices need to be made so that it is fun. If people really want to spend all that time and fly realistically, they can. The game doesn't keep people from doing that, but it doesn't force it either.

As for my personal skill level, I'd bet I could give even the top players a good fight. I probably wouldn't win 9 times out of 10, but I'd still give them a good fight. This goes back to our definition of good though. I consider myself good at this game now, but you might only consider good meaning I can kill anyone at any time. I would consider that elite. Your definition of good in a FPS might be my definition of below average. It's all relative. I consider myself good because of the fact that I can give the best players a good fight and can constantly land 2-5 kill missions.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 07:52:22 PM by Hoff »

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #159 on: April 20, 2011, 07:59:58 PM »
Two words: CASH PRIZES

now i will quietly run away......

LOL!  That was already tried and all that did was promote timid flying and score whoring.  It was the #1 crappiest idea ever to come out of Grapevine and unfortunately, we're still experiencing its lasting effects.

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #160 on: April 20, 2011, 08:12:42 PM »
As for my personal skill level, I'd bet I could give even the top players a good fight. I probably wouldn't win 9 times out of 10, but I'd still give them a good fight. This goes back to our definition of good though. I consider myself good at this game now, but you might only consider good meaning I can kill anyone at any time. I would consider that elite. Your definition of good in a FPS might be my definition of below average. It's all relative. I consider myself good because of the fact that I can give the best players a good fight and can constantly land 2-5 kill missions.

Are you Hoff in game?  If so, while stats don't tell the whole story, they can give one some indications.  Your stats, errr, ummmm, well... belie the above statements.  You haven't even reached a sustainable 1:1 k/d.  :noid

But if you see me one (I can often be found in the AvA), drop me a PM and I'll take you to the DA and put you through a variety of situations and give you an honest assessment of your flying skills.  :joystick:

While I'm far from being the best (stats-wise, anyway), I'm not too shabby, either.  :old:
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 08:15:28 PM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #161 on: April 20, 2011, 08:30:59 PM »
Are you Hoff in game?  If so, while stats don't tell the whole story, they can give one some indications.  Your stats, errr, ummmm, well... belie the above statements.  You haven't even reached a sustainable 1:1 k/d.  :noid

But if you see me one (I can often be found in the AvA), drop me a PM and I'll take you to the DA and put you through a variety of situations and give you an honest assessment of your flying skills.  :joystick:

While I'm far from being the best (stats-wise, anyway), I'm not too shabby, either.  :old:

No thanks. First of all, I'm not a stat ho, so I will up from a vulched field 20 times in a row to get just 1 kill or make people waste their ammo/auger. I don't run from fights often and I'll fight someone that has more E than me (I'm not a runstang). For the way that I fly, I feel that I do really well. In fact, my K/D for my primary fighter, the 109k, is nearly identical to your K/D in yours, the la7. Overall K/D is pretty pointless, I up B25Hs and 110g2s with the extra 20mms and WGRs for fun all the time. Not only that, but in the 109k I up on vulched fields a lot as well, so the stats are pretty much useless.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #162 on: April 20, 2011, 08:31:14 PM »
I would argue that World War 2 Online has as many players online as Aces High does and it's been around for quite a while.

No, Aces High on average manages to have more players online playing daily than WW2OL does.

I would also argue that World War 2 Online had way more players at some point.

You would have been correct at launch, the hype behind WW2OL up to launch was huge and it did gain it a lot of box sales as a result.  However, after what is considered to be one of the worst launches for any MMO, the numbers started to decline and has never recovered or come close to any of their expectations.  

Planetside failed because SOE is retarded (hello SWG

Actually Planetside is not a failure and continues to generate revenue for SOE even with its very small, dedicated community.  If Planetside was a failure, SOE would have never invested the time and resources to develop Planetside Next.  Oh, on a side note...the disaster that was SWG lies firmly at the feet of LucasArts, they were the ones that called all the shots in the development of SWG.  Nothing could be done without their approval or direction...Combat Upgrade was LucasArt's idea...NGE was also LA's idea in an attempt to compete with WoW.  


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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #163 on: April 20, 2011, 08:48:11 PM »
.... I consider myself good because of the fact that I can give the best players a good fight and can constantly land 2-5 kill missions.

 :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

wanna put that to the test....I know guys that will kill you 100% of the or two years from now,if you played constantly....hell I am not a very good shot so for me to say lets go DA....well Ill miss my first shot... but I will bet I'll get first shot every time :aok

you have a long way to go before you'll give the really good players a hard fight...the elite players.... :rofl


you have 41 kills not counted to rank....this tells me one fly all around green guys all the time, period
 and still cant maintain a K/D of 1...digging even deeper.....the majority of your rides are BnZ specialists or HO specialist......

if you constantly landed 2 - 5 kill missions it would show in your score it shows you average 3/4 of a kill every sortie

I change my mind I would take ya to the DA and school ya some if you would like :aok
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 09:06:45 PM by ink »

Offline Hoff

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Re: Are there enough players?
« Reply #164 on: April 20, 2011, 08:51:13 PM »
No, Aces High on average manages to have more players online playing daily than WW2OL does.

You would have been correct at launch, the hype behind WW2OL up to launch was huge and it did gain it a lot of box sales as a result.  However, after what is considered to be one of the worst launches for any MMO, the numbers started to decline and has never recovered or come close to any of their expectations.  

Actually Planetside is not a failure and continues to generate revenue for SOE even with its very small, dedicated community.  If Planetside was a failure, SOE would have never invested the time and resources to develop Planetside Next.  Oh, on a side note...the disaster that was SWG lies firmly at the feet of LucasArts, they were the ones that called all the shots in the development of SWG.  Nothing could be done without their approval or direction...Combat Upgrade was LucasArt's idea...NGE was also LA's idea in an attempt to compete with WoW.  


Planetside had a ton of players back in the day, then SOE, in a genius move, added BFRs. So yes, it is a failure in the sense that it could still be a pretty big MMO.

You're right about LA, I forget the guy's name, I think it was Torres, but he was the main culprit behind the NGE for LA's part. The fact that Smedly and most of the SOE team didn't speak up about it at all and tried to defend it placed part of the blame in SOE's hands. Plus, it was branded as a SOE game, regardless of who was running it, the SOE brand was at stake and it seemed that SOE didn't care about that at all. It's similar to what happened to Episodes 1-3 of the Star Wars triliogy. Nobody had the balls or cared enough to speak up and tell George he was wrong. If you haven't seen RedLetterMedia's review of the first three movies and have a few hours to spare, it's well worth it, I promise.