The Crusader cruiser tank MkI.
Armament of the Mk I: QF 2 pdr (40 mm) 110 rounds
1 Besa machine gun
4,950 rounds
Nuffield Nuffield Liberty Mark II, 27 litre V-12 petrol engine
340 bhp (254 kW) at 1,500 rpm
Transmission: Nuffield constant mesh
4 speed and reverse through Wilson epicyclic steering unit
Powerplant: 17.2hp
Ground clearance: 1ft 4in
Fuel: 110 Imperial gallons in 3 fuel tanks
Range: 200mi
Speed: 26mph (on road)
15mph (off road)
The Crusader served in the North African Campaign. They replaced the old Matilda tanks the British used. Plus, how many British GVs we have? Also, add the M3 Grant and the Panzer IV Special then there can be GVs in the Desert campaign scenarios. It provide more firepower than the M8. HE rounds were rather limited to the tank, though. They were replaced later (with the MkII and MkIII in service too) by Americans in the Invasion of Italy.
sorry about the turret's visibility its AUX turret is in can someone get one without its Aux turret?