Author Topic: Horde management, please  (Read 2635 times)

Offline Lusche

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2011, 11:51:02 AM »
Really? I knew there are only TWO eny 5 planes now.

We have one ENY 2 plane and nine with ENY 5
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Offline JOACH1M

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2011, 11:55:22 AM »
You should ask for indestructible hangars then. (Not that I think you have the slightest chance to get your wish granted ;))
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Offline Debrody

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2011, 01:53:50 PM »
We have one ENY 2 plane and nine with ENY 5
how many of them are unperked?  ;)
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2011, 02:35:26 PM »
how many of them are unperked?  ;)

Two, but no one said anything about perk status  :P
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Offline BnZs

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2011, 03:45:26 PM »
Yes, I meant unperked.
We used to have the La7 and the N1K as eny 5 planes. I especially would like to have the N1K at ENY 5 again, considering it is slow, rolls slowly, and is not as uber at the yank and bank as many suppose. And I think it was good to have the P-40B and suchlike at 60.
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2011, 04:34:35 PM »
Don't get me wrong, I don't wish to get rid of the horde. I think the hordes drive many a good fight, but they also drive many a poor fight also. I just wish for something reasonable, motivatable and rewardable for both theories ( offense/defence) to come together more often.

That is all


Increase the dar ring again. Give defenders more time to spot, get organized and defend targets. Make the dar two layered. First tower down drops the dar ring from a bigger ring to the ring we have now. Second tower down makes all dar down.


how to stop a horde? i call it a figther sweep, take 10 good fighter sticks, climb! dive and kill those hordes, good fun! when you act organised enough you can stop and dry out the horde of 40 with just 8-10 guys
maybe they call you alt monkeys or pickers or whatever, but who cares?  :cool:
getting killed over and over is not everyone's cup of tea, so setup a good fighter sweep and give them a good fight  :cheers:

For your guys thats a great way to fly, personally I want to up grab alt a for a minute or two, and then start in on the fighting. A horde, give me a couple more minutes to grab a bit more "E"  :devil Not a lot of players fly like your squad does so it really isn't a viable answer to the problem.

Offline Lusche

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2011, 04:49:50 PM »
Increase the dar ring again. Give defenders more time to spot, get organized and defend targets.

Not that it would impress anyone, especially not at HTC ;),  so please don't anybody see this as a threat, just as a friendly statement:

I'm a dedicated defender in the MA, hunting buffs, goons, Jabos and harrasing the horde. Ever have been.
The moment the dar rings are getting increased again to the extent we had last summer, I'm gone.
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Offline waystin2

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2011, 05:06:32 PM »
I am not gonna quit with a Dar change, but I will say that Lusche brings up the real issue.  The players within the game have to want to fight these hordes over possession of a field.  You cannot make them do it by making changes to the game.  I say increasing the time that NOE's are within view will not change players behavior.  It will not deter the horde NOE, nor will it give motivation to players that have no interest in defending a given field. 
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Offline firemike

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2011, 05:17:02 PM »
I've played for 3 years and know exactly how to deal with newbies... Alt F4 is to put your wheels down... lol

Offline M0nkey_Man

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2011, 05:53:55 PM »
I've played for 3 years and know exactly how to deal with newbies... Alt F4 is to put your wheels down... lol
I thought it was for the nuke, I guess you get a 2 for 1 deal  :lol ;)

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2011, 06:54:14 PM »

Not that it would impress anyone, especially not at HTC ;),  so please don't anybody see this as a threat, just as a friendly statement:

I'm a dedicated defender in the MA, hunting buffs, goons, Jabos and harrasing the horde. Ever have been.
The moment the dar rings are getting increased again to the extent we had last summer, I'm gone.

Maybe most of us don't have your skill at reading the twists and trends of the map.

I hate the horde. I hate trying to hit one guy while 5 are shooting at me. Being able to "see" where the enemy IS gives me a better chance of getting to a fight and being on better footing by NOT being under it from the start. I don't know if that is how others feel, but if more people felt they might have a chance at hitting the horde with an "E" advantage in either speed or alt then they might fight against them more. I know I would. As it is now, I'll go against once of twice and then say "screw this, it isn't fun" and go off someplace else and just let them walk across the map.

Why would you leave Lusche, game would be too easy for you?

As the game is now EVERYONE likes to attack. There's the team work, the comradely, the thrill of all those planes in the mission, there is the satisfaction of the "win" when the base is captured, there's the Accolades from your friends and teammates.

Defenders on the other hand have it much different. There is very little team work, just a bunch of guys in the same place. More often than not you know only one or two guys. Due to the defense being unorganized you feel more like a lone wolf than a team player as your not REALLY with a team, just a bunch of other guys in the same place. There is no "win" other than running out of bad guys, but you don't know if they are done and moving someplace else, or regrouping. There may be a few "atta-boys" passed around, but seeing as there is no plan, no objective other than to hold them off not very often because your too busy trying to kill and stay alive long enough to "help"

Getting people to do the defense part of the game is much harder to do than offense. Most squads won't spend the time to play a defensive set-up, they are too busy going offense.

If there is no defense and only offense there isn't much fun either.

Offline prowl3r

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2011, 07:00:49 PM »
I hear ya Juggler, and it is whay I push the Pigs to the biggest red dars I can find when there is a bunch of us online.  The problem is, that determined resistance to an attack nets the same result as the current defender apathy, most hordes do not like a determined foe.  They get a determined bunch of folks fighting them then they dissappear.

I spent the whole night last night playing whack-a-mole with a huge Bishop horde in Orange.  I would watch the country in-flight numbers , observe the large amount of folks sitting in the tower, and then wait for the number of folks in-flight to jump suddenly, then start hunting for where the NOE was coming from.  It worked about 80% of the time, and we had some short intense battles with incoming NOE attacks.  Most times they did not come back for a second round, as that would be a direct confrontation.  Eventually they got smart and split that 30 plus person horde in two and came at two bases at once.  It forced the Pigs into a choice as to which field the Knights were gonna lose.  So by my observation and the squad's response their tactics were affected.  Anyway, just rambling...
wystin i feel your pain and im a bish chewies minions will wait in the tower and call him on country and ask for a mission. meanwhile im hitting a town that is white flagged and cant get any help :mad:. the hordes are somewhat toxic in game play overall for both sides. i think what drives them is the herd mentality "safety in #s". this is what i did in early months as an ah player. i learned alot and became proficient in ground attack rather quickly. so in this way the hordes are helpful. i think the best way to "control" the hordes is to limit the #s for a mission.(like hitech will do that) but today i dont participate in the horde simply becouse they get in my way attaining perks and getting score.
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Offline prowl3r

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2011, 07:16:33 PM »
waystin i feel your pain. as a bish i get frustrated by chewies minions, they log on and ask if he is on and then beg on country for him to post a mission :rolleyes: meanwhile ive been hittin a base got a white flag and cant get any help :mad: so in this way hordeing is toxic for both sides. on the other hand when i was new i was one of falcon23s minions mainly becouse when i flew with the horde i landed and learned alot, in this way the hordes are good for the game. today i avoid flying with  the horde simply becouse they get in my way of getting perks and scoreing. i think the only way we can "control" the horde is to limit the #s that can be in a given mission. other than that be patient and wait for them to become copentent enough to fly in smaller #s then the next ad campaign will begin and the hordes will be back :noid
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Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2011, 09:33:31 PM »
I've suggested a fix for this problem before, but it never got anywhere.

Alter the scoring so that when a player records a kill the game tots up the number of red and green icons in range at that instant and applies a score modifier. So lots of green and few red icons negatively affects score and lots of red and few green improves your score. A variation to this would be to weight closer icons to a greater degree than further ones.

If this were introduced players who cared about their scores would be forced to seek out more even fights and anyone like me who does not care would therefore be more likely to find an even fight.

but the question begs can the coding perform such a function???  I have a hunch that very question is the first or second thought that goes through HTC's mind(s).
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Re: Horde management, please
« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2011, 10:07:23 PM »
i've seen rooks and nits hording quite  :cry   :rofl
