June's FriKOTH was almost as short as a KOTH could be. It was about 70 minutes long with around 17 people participating. We had just 4 rounds and the first wabbit won the event.
Congratulations and salute to FryrTuck for the win!!! The Ki-84-Ia was chosen for July's first ride.
Round by round results:
[1] Zap in a Bf 109K-4
[2] FryrTuck in a Spitfire Mk.IX
[3] FryrTuck in a Ki-84-Ia (Wabbit)
[4] FryrTuck wins in a Spitfire Mk, VIII
Tournament Of Champions invitations will be reserved for:
KOTH: FryrTuck
Top killers were: FryrTuck- 13; Zap-6; pattonjr-5; oletimer, Slash27, TC, WGTRIGG-4.