Just a quick question on the grid squares. If I am correct the grid squares are 1 mile by 1 mile correct???
They are a 2 dimensional zero based compound array indexing from 0,0 and running to 24,24 ~ from the lower left to the upper right ~ and incremented in steps of 4 in their designations, for each "Grid Square" in the ultimate clip map
IOW: they are 1 mile (statute) 5280 feet
There is nothing in the TE that dovetails with the keypads on the clip map, as each key is 8.33 miles (or squares)...44000 feet per key
The AH virtual world x,y(z) system is always based on the center of the map ~ the center of the map is always at the center of 10.24, 10.24 in the TE, or 6.5 miles West and North of the 10.10 cross (lower left corner of the 10.10 Grid square)
Why is Z what would other wise be Y in the Cartesian Plane:
http://ranger.uta.edu/~kamangar/Courses/CSE_4303_5365_SP11/3DRight-handedorLeft-handedcoordinatesys.htmlLook at that and then rotate the view in your mind to be looking top down...a little head work and you will see why Z in the TE is what we as normal humans would otherwise call Y
Its a legacy standard that began years and years ago...imagine yourself standing at the X Z intersection and walking forward...then rotating your perspective to be looking straight down on top of your head