Author Topic: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's  (Read 23841 times)

Offline vNUCKS

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #150 on: August 21, 2011, 03:57:07 AM »
uNucks fail.

Please say how... Or are you just full of it as well?

Offline Mayhem

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #151 on: August 21, 2011, 04:47:46 AM »
Yes, name them, or admit your just full of it...

You have some possibilities.

1) I'm as you say "Full of it" and trying to further spread a rumor I was unaware of. I really have nothing to gain from this other then Pissing you off which really I'd rather do that in the game. If I was lying then i wouldn't have an issue further lying and giving you a Name. I can even make it credible by giving a name of some Vguys I shot down a few nights ago during a mission with the date and time. After all it would be my word against theirs and he or she wouldn't be able to prove they didn't. I could start one evil little witch hunt leading to disharmony in the ranks.

2) You guys as a squad are doing this deliberately to build up a select few peoples credit with the intentions to use this "Credit" to spread disinformation as part of a plan in a mission at a later date.  This really isn't to far fetched as people think. You all go on a mission you know is going to fail, or you wait to a mission goes south and is at the point you know it will fail. You have a few guys in your squad PM people about same said "mission". We all show up and you all either auger or get shot to bits and you guys cry "Spy". We think you have a disgruntlement squadmate and your countryman think they have a "spy". Some time later the people feeding us intel feed us the disinformation as you vGuys pull off the mother of all missions. IMHO this would earn some respect from me and others in the realist crowd. Cept the auguring part that was really lame and unrealistic.

3) You really have some internal political problems in your squad and all is not so well in vLand as of late.

Me personally I think it's number #2. I will probably get misled at a later date but I'll enjoy what I can get now if it's #3 I'm not going to ruin it.

Regardlessof which case it is, Please stop crying spy. We went from a 1 hour rule to a 12 hour rule and squad vox mysteriously stopped working in Late War. Every time you guys pooch a mission you cry "spy". again lets face facts. I'm not the only one this has happened to but we the opposition get PMs from your squadmates or Countryman giving intel as to what your squad is up to. this doesn't happen that frequently and sure isn't a daily occurrence but it does happen. You cannot argue your countryman don't do this specially when you go rook. Far more often some ones lack of skill give you all away and we notice the huge dar bar 2 bases behind enemy lines were their shouldn't be one that just screams "Vguy Mission!".

Heck you all try and hide the CVs and when one of your country man becomes BS intolerant and puts them back in action you cry Spy.

Just as an experiment next time you all change countries specially to rook or knight. Take a good look at the roster. announce you are changing countries then change as announced. give it about 5 to 15 minutes and take a look at the roster again. Count how many people changed countries away from the one you just changed to. You figure for every 2 persons that Left there was at least 1 that dislikes you so much that the decided to stay just to make you all miserable. People that have no problems informing people on the opposition every time vDallas calls for a mission. You know you have disgruntlement squadies every squad does at some point specially the bigger the more active and more structured you are. Spying is far less likely and far less frequent to be an issue. I bet Juggler is right and HTC got slammed with emails complaining of spys and upped the one hour rule to 12 all thanks to the actions of you and yours.

Just because people don't like you does make them a spy ... traitor maybe, but not a spy.

Just for another experiment have your entire squad and any one else you can get involved to up and fly around a rear base for about 5 minutes or just fly to and land at another friendly base. Watch how the nmy dar bars change in response.

Oh for the record If your reading this and your one of the guys feeding me or others Intel I swear on my sheep's wool I will never ever give your name up. 8) So you don't have to worry about me ratting you out now or in the future.

Please say how... Or are you just full of it as well?

Because no one is going to give you a name on the off chance this is legit (no 3) . I'm not, and If I did it sure as heck wouldn't be one of the right ones! So if you want to believe I'm full of it knock yourself out.
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Offline Mayhem

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #152 on: August 21, 2011, 04:57:41 AM »
BTW if spying is so damn popular maybe we should just make it part of the game. You can take on spying mission for perks if you can successfully pull of a mission and/or not get caught in a certain amount of time you win intel points and more perks. The opposition can spend some perks so many times a day to name the spy. If they are right the spy is captured and goes back to their country minus the perks and is stuck in their home country for 2 weeks before they can change or take on another spy mission, and the person that caught the spy - gets Intel points and perks.

Isn't there a v007 .... Makes ya wounder.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 05:04:35 AM by Mayhem »
"Destination anywhere! So Far Gone, I'm almost There."
The Damned! (Est. 1988) Damned if we do - No fun if we don't!
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #153 on: August 21, 2011, 08:23:39 AM »
You fellas that are new and follow these supposed "armchair napoleons" do realize that its there fun that is more important to them. They have this uncanny ability to have you join their missions or fly in their mega squad not because of the love of the game, or even to have other players appreciate and perhaps learn something, but only a mingion to achieve their own glory. I find it quite hypocritical that these guys call others "score potatos" but yet if you ever come into contact with them, are the most timid limpwristed pansies that play the game.

There's a lot of wisdom contained in the above!

As I read through this thread I couldn't help but laugh a little.  Same ol' toejam, different day. It made me think back to the old Falcon23 days of Rolling Thunder. I still remember the time he had us all bail in our GV's because Paccer had spotted us.  We gave the bastage 10 freebies instead of fighting it out as we should have.  I still regret that! We were mostly noobs with no skills and we really had no idea how to develop any skills.  After Falcon23 left, the WM's (Lute and Sol) took us to the DA and gave us some lessons (and an donut kicking) that I still remember and use.  In the process, we all found that one of our arch enemies was actually a pretty decent guy.

Those days of impaling ourselves on a spear to take a base are long gone and so it will be with the v guys someday.  They'll eventually figure it out on their own. Until then, I'll be looking for them, club in hand.  :D 

...and <S> vNucks, at least you got the ballz to standup for your squad in here, right, wrong, or indifferent.
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Offline vNUCKS

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #154 on: August 21, 2011, 10:35:49 AM »
You have some possibilities.

1) I'm as you say "Full of it" and trying to further spread a rumor I was unaware of. I really have nothing to gain from this other then Pissing you off which really I'd rather do that in the game. If I was lying then i wouldn't have an issue further lying and giving you a Name. I can even make it credible by giving a name of some Vguys I shot down a few nights ago during a mission with the date and time. After all it would be my word against theirs and he or she wouldn't be able to prove they didn't. I could start one evil little witch hunt leading to disharmony in the ranks.

2) You guys as a squad are doing this deliberately to build up a select few peoples credit with the intentions to use this "Credit" to spread disinformation as part of a plan in a mission at a later date.  This really isn't to far fetched as people think. You all go on a mission you know is going to fail, or you wait to a mission goes south and is at the point you know it will fail. You have a few guys in your squad PM people about same said "mission". We all show up and you all either auger or get shot to bits and you guys cry "Spy". We think you have a disgruntlement squadmate and your countryman think they have a "spy". Some time later the people feeding us intel feed us the disinformation as you vGuys pull off the mother of all missions. IMHO this would earn some respect from me and others in the realist crowd. Cept the auguring part that was really lame and unrealistic.

3) You really have some internal political problems in your squad and all is not so well in vLand as of late.

Me personally I think it's number #2. I will probably get misled at a later date but I'll enjoy what I can get now if it's #3 I'm not going to ruin it.

Regardlessof which case it is, Please stop crying spy. We went from a 1 hour rule to a 12 hour rule and squad vox mysteriously stopped working in Late War. Every time you guys pooch a mission you cry "spy". again lets face facts. I'm not the only one this has happened to but we the opposition get PMs from your squadmates or Countryman giving intel as to what your squad is up to. this doesn't happen that frequently and sure isn't a daily occurrence but it does happen. You cannot argue your countryman don't do this specially when you go rook. Far more often some ones lack of skill give you all away and we notice the huge dar bar 2 bases behind enemy lines were their shouldn't be one that just screams "Vguy Mission!".

Heck you all try and hide the CVs and when one of your country man becomes BS intolerant and puts them back in action you cry Spy.

Just as an experiment next time you all change countries specially to rook or knight. Take a good look at the roster. announce you are changing countries then change as announced. give it about 5 to 15 minutes and take a look at the roster again. Count how many people changed countries away from the one you just changed to. You figure for every 2 persons that Left there was at least 1 that dislikes you so much that the decided to stay just to make you all miserable. People that have no problems informing people on the opposition every time vDallas calls for a mission. You know you have disgruntlement squadies every squad does at some point specially the bigger the more active and more structured you are. Spying is far less likely and far less frequent to be an issue. I bet Juggler is right and HTC got slammed with emails complaining of spys and upped the one hour rule to 12 all thanks to the actions of you and yours.

Just because people don't like you does make them a spy ... traitor maybe, but not a spy.

Just for another experiment have your entire squad and any one else you can get involved to up and fly around a rear base for about 5 minutes or just fly to and land at another friendly base. Watch how the nmy dar bars change in response.

Oh for the record If your reading this and your one of the guys feeding me or others Intel I swear on my sheep's wool I will never ever give your name up. 8) So you don't have to worry about me ratting you out now or in the future.

Because no one is going to give you a name on the off chance this is legit (no 3) . I'm not, and If I did it sure as heck wouldn't be one of the right ones! So if you want to believe I'm full of it knock yourself out.

Wow, that that a lot of speculative doubletalk. Let me clear things up.

1. Obviously the case
2. We didn't initiate this, we're doing nothing more than challenging the BS allegations made against us. (ie. yours)
3. Not the case, but if so, so what?  

Simply put, your internal vSpy is a figment of your imagination.  It is you that is that is attempting your #2, with the blatantly obvious attempt of your #3.  I call your #1.

Next, where did I cry spy?  And finally, your assertion/admission that you are actively involved in receiving information from another country, for the apparent purpose of gaining an in-game advantage, is by HiTechs own explanation akin to "looking at another poker players cards" which is ????
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 11:01:28 AM by vNUCKS »

Offline guncrasher

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #155 on: August 21, 2011, 11:44:32 AM »
There often aren't even 40 countrymen online when I play... but it's easier to make a flippant remark rather than intelligently respond.

vnucks I have enough films of you flying with that many players in a mission to call you statement bs.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline vNUCKS

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #156 on: August 21, 2011, 01:53:44 PM »
vnucks I have enough films of you flying with that many players in a mission to call you statement bs.


Put my quote in context semp.  I never claimed there were never, or even usually less that 40, only often.  So I call you reading comprehension skill bs.

Offline SEseph

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #157 on: August 21, 2011, 02:05:33 PM »
Put my quote in context semp.  I never claimed there were never, or even usually less that 40, only often.  So I call you reading comprehension skill bs.

your quote said 40 countrymen aren't frequently online when you are, so.. if this is the case, how can you vouch for your squad's honorable behavior? You're rarely on with them by your own words. What evidence do I have? You said you fly frequently with less than 40 players on your country as a whole, meaning you can't participate regularly in the missions people are citing as proof. Or you do fly with more than the 40 so your comment is invalid, meaning you can't argue any part of it truthfully.

I see you on most often when there's a good many more than 40 on your country and in the missions like Semp said.

PS. By agreeing with Mayhem's #1 point, you also agree if he WAS lying, he would give you a name. You also agree it's a he said, she said argument, meaning you also agree you can't find the truth from the argument. All in all, that means by agreeing, you agree he's telling the truth because if he wasn't, he would lie to all of us about the name.

Reading comprehension is AWESOME.
BOWL Axis CO 2014 BoB13 JG52 XO DSG2 Axis S. Cmdr 2012 WSDG Allied CO 2012 Multiple GL/XO Side/Section CO/XO since early '00s
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it. W.C.Fields

Offline vNUCKS

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #158 on: August 21, 2011, 02:13:53 PM »
your quote said 40 countrymen aren't frequently online when you are, so.. if this is the case, how can you vouch for your squad's honorable behavior? You're rarely on with them by your own words. What evidence do I have? You said you fly frequently with less than 40 players on your country as a whole, meaning you can't participate regularly in the missions people are citing as proof. Or you do fly with more than the 40 so your comment is invalid, meaning you can't argue any part of it truthfully.

I see you on most often when there's a good many more than 40 on your country and in the missions like Semp said.

PS. By agreeing with Mayhem's #1 point, you also agree if he WAS lying, he would give you a name. You also agree it's a he said, she said argument, meaning you also agree you can't find the truth from the argument. All in all, that means by agreeing, you agree he's telling the truth because if he wasn't, he would lie to all of us about the name.

Reading comprehension is AWESOME.

You're wrong,look up and read the quote... Quit twisting my words and trying to put words in my mouth.

Offline vNUCKS

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #159 on: August 21, 2011, 02:25:49 PM »
Let's take a closer look at you post SEseph

your quote said 40 countrymen aren't frequently (I said often aren't 40) online when you are, so.. if this is the case, how can you vouch for your squad's honorable behavior)? (Because I can fly all I want, and I fly a lot, and there typically are more than 40) You're rarely on with them by your own words.(I never said that, those words are your own) What evidence do I have? You said you fly frequently with less than 40 players on your country as a whole, meaning you can't participate regularly in the missions people are citing as proof. Or you do fly with more than the 40 so your comment is invalid, meaning you can't argue any part of it truthfully. I can go to church frequently (once a week), and yet still on a typical day I go to work (Monday through Friday))

I see you on most often when there's a good many more than 40 on your country and in the missions like Semp said.(No argument there, but it no way contradicts what I said)

PS. By agreeing with Mayhem's #1 point, you also agree if he WAS lying, he would give you a name(He clearly said he wouldn't give a name in his post.  All the easier for him to accuse everyone than let someone defend themselves). You also agree it's a he said, she said argument, meaning you also agree you can't find the truth from the argument. All in all, that means by agreeing, you agree he's telling the truth because if he wasn't, he would lie to all of us about the name.

Reading comprehension is AWESOME. (yeah, you should try it sometime)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 02:38:16 PM by vNUCKS »

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #160 on: August 21, 2011, 02:35:17 PM »
You're wrong,look up and read the quote... Quit twisting my words and trying to put words in my mouth.

I did, it said:
There often aren't even 40 countrymen online when I play... but it's easier to make a flippant remark rather than intelligently respond.

Then you said:
Put my quote in context semp.  I never claimed there were never, or even usually less that 40, only often.  So I call you reading comprehension skill bs.

Also you said:

Let me clear things up.

1. Obviously the case

in response to:
You have some possibilities.

1) I'm as you say "Full of it" and trying to further spread a rumor I was unaware of. I really have nothing to gain from this other then Pissing you off which really I'd rather do that in the game. If I was lying then i wouldn't have an issue further lying and giving you a Name. I can even make it credible by giving a name of some Vguys I shot down a few nights ago during a mission with the date and time. After all it would be my word against theirs and he or she wouldn't be able to prove they didn't. I could start one evil little witch hunt leading to disharmony in the ranks.

So I said:
your quote said 40 countrymen aren't frequently online when you are, so.. if this is the case, how can you vouch for your squad's honorable behavior? You're rarely on with them by your own words. What evidence do I have? You said you fly frequently with less than 40 players on your country as a whole, meaning you can't participate regularly in the missions people are citing as proof. Or you do fly with more than the 40 so your comment is invalid, meaning you can't argue any part of it truthfully.

I see you on most often when there's a good many more than 40 on your country and in the missions like Semp said.

PS. By agreeing with Mayhem's #1 point, you also agree if he WAS lying, he would give you a name. You also agree it's a he said, she said argument, meaning you also agree you can't find the truth from the argument. All in all, that means by agreeing, you agree he's telling the truth because if he wasn't, he would lie to all of us about the name.

Reading comprehension is AWESOME.

I didn't twist, I'm holding you accountable for what is said by you.
BOWL Axis CO 2014 BoB13 JG52 XO DSG2 Axis S. Cmdr 2012 WSDG Allied CO 2012 Multiple GL/XO Side/Section CO/XO since early '00s
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it. W.C.Fields

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #161 on: August 21, 2011, 02:55:27 PM »
Let's take a closer look at you post SEseph

your quote said 40 countrymen aren't frequently (I said often aren't 40) online when you are, so.. if this is the case, how can you vouch for your squad's honorable behavior)? (Because I can fly all I want, and I fly a lot, and there typically are more than 40) You're rarely on with them by your own words.(I never said that, those words are your own) What evidence do I have? You said you fly frequently with less than 40 players on your country as a whole, meaning you can't participate regularly in the missions people are citing as proof. Or you do fly with more than the 40 so your comment is invalid, meaning you can't argue any part of it truthfully. I can go to church frequently (once a week), and yet still on a typical day I go to work (Monday through Friday))
If it's frequent, then you can't fly frequently with people too, it would be a 50/50 split, meaning half the time you do the former, then 50% of the time the latter.
Going to church frequently on Sundays, when the services are typically held doesn't mean you can't go to work frequently especially on days church isn't held. (I'm not a church goer, but I doubt they have service all the time, day or night, monday through sunday.) The time and situations change allowing for the differences in frequency between the two unlinked activities.

I see you on most often when there's a good many more than 40 on your country and in the missions like Semp said.(No argument there, but it no way contradicts what I said)
You can't say most often when you state there aren't often people on. See the first rebuttal.

PS. By agreeing with Mayhem's #1 point, you also agree if he WAS lying, he would give you a name(He clearly said he wouldn't give a name in his post.  All the easier for him to accuse everyone than let someone defend themselves). You also agree it's a he said, she said argument, meaning you also agree you can't find the truth from the argument. All in all, that means by agreeing, you agree he's telling the truth because if he wasn't, he would lie to all of us about the name.

Reading comprehension is AWESOME. (yeah, you should try it sometime)

You agreed with it, you said OBVIOUSLY. You didn't say OBVIOUSLY EXCEPT the name. You didn't say anything to contradict that part, you just agreed, then you back pedaled FAST when I called you on it. Critical reading means understanding what you read in the context of the register.
BOWL Axis CO 2014 BoB13 JG52 XO DSG2 Axis S. Cmdr 2012 WSDG Allied CO 2012 Multiple GL/XO Side/Section CO/XO since early '00s
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it. W.C.Fields

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #162 on: August 21, 2011, 03:32:42 PM »
vNUCKS is absolutely correct in that there are rarely 40 other players around him but that's due to him being a eunuch and running from anything with a motor.

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #163 on: August 21, 2011, 03:38:36 PM »
vNUCKS is absolutely correct in that there are rarely 40 other players around him but that's due to him being a eunuch and running from anything with a motor.


I humbly stand corrected. Thank you for setting me straight!
BOWL Axis CO 2014 BoB13 JG52 XO DSG2 Axis S. Cmdr 2012 WSDG Allied CO 2012 Multiple GL/XO Side/Section CO/XO since early '00s
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it. W.C.Fields

Offline vNUCKS

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Re: vTards move Rook and start hiding the CV's
« Reply #164 on: August 21, 2011, 04:22:21 PM »
If it's frequent, then you can't fly frequently with people too, it would be a 50/50 split, meaning half the time you do the former, then 50% of the time the latter.
Going to church frequently on Sundays, when the services are typically held doesn't mean you can't go to work frequently especially on days church isn't held. (I'm not a church goer, but I doubt they have service all the time, day or night, monday through sunday.) The time and situations change allowing for the differences in frequency between the two unlinked activities.
You can't say most often when you state there aren't often people on. See the first rebuttal.
You agreed with it, you said OBVIOUSLY. You didn't say OBVIOUSLY EXCEPT the name. You didn't say anything to contradict that part, you just agreed, then you back pedaled FAST when I called you on it. Critical reading means understanding what you read in the context of the register.

There you go again... I never said "most often", I said often.  

FAIL - often = frequent, but doesn't = typical or usual, get a dictionary and see for yourself... you're trying to argue semantics, and you doing it with half a wit.  And I haven't back-pedaled one bit, your entire argument is senseless.  

Lets try a few more examples:  

You can often or frequently get a cold, but that by no way means you usually or typically have a cold, or that you spend half your time with a cold.

I often fly a Corsair, but I usually fly a pony.

There often aren't even 40 countrymen online when I play, but usually there are more than 100.

So, if you wanna quote me, quote ME, not yourself and attribute it to me.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 04:33:10 PM by vNUCKS »