I really should know better.
Read a bit of it here an there.
Figured I would give it a try after checkin out the website.. hey ..it's free, and not much of a hard drive footprint.
Next thing I know it's 4am and gettin up outta the chair to go to SLEEP is nigh impossible, but .. I did it.
Honestly ..it's a simple first person shooter dressed in MMO trappings with Tanks.
You wouldn't think I would get sooo sucked in ..but .. I *love* the way they BLOW UP!!
I mean ..a meeting engagement looks like some Junkyards I have been to, only tons more scrap metal . . ROFL.
Hunting .. works.
When I have the patience.
Watching a King Tiger work an engagement is just ..ohh man, he just one-shotted that guy .. holy crap!
(after you get kilt you can right click to watch other team mates work)
The tanks look amazing. HT has better physics by far. Run and gun is the order of the day for us light tankers.
I miss my Jenner, but it is literally the same tactics. I can run around a heavy faster than his turret can traverse, but ..
..I cant do any damage .. best to stay hidden from those guys
It's 3 days later now and I swear it's as much of a grind as leveling an Orc .. but ..it's got me.
Fun stuff
1Grayeagle in game, I will invariably be in battle on a team, rarely step into chat channel.
-Frank aka GE