I can't speak to what is used in or modelled in AH, but in the real world the only stall speed that a pilot worries about is IAS. The IAS stall speed does not change with altitude.
The TAS airspeed increase with altitude, but airspeed indicators in the real world don't display TAS in any manner that is useful to a pilot to figure out if he is approaching stall speed. The reason is quite simple - TAS is a function of air density. A pilot would need to constantly recalculate his TAS (and in WWII the only way to do that would be by way of an E6B) in order to figure out whether he's about to fall out of the sky, whereas IAS stall speed is the same regardless of the surrounding environment.
I appreciate that AH is not the real world, but to say that stall speed increases with altitude is simply not correct unless you specify TAS. And while performance charts do indeed specify TAS, POH specify IAS when it comes to stall speeds.
oops, my bad for not including the specifically for TAS part! I should not have even made a reply/post to this thread .......... I am sure that any POH will read exactly as it needs too whether it is TAS or whether the particular subject at hand needs to be in IAS... I do not recall ever saying anything about POH's
Also, I never posted that people fly around watching the Red Needle and I also said when teaching we do use IAS........ I specifically said that plane performance data/comparison charts, etc.. refer to TAS instead of IAS both in RL and in AH...
regarding your stall testing, did you also try for the 50,000 ft test you previously mentioned regarding IAS? or even 45,000 ft, 40,000 ft, 35,000 ft, 30,000 ft, 25,000 ft for your IAS comparison
I am curious how your Spit XVI will do at the different alts with 50% fuel........ you can go offline and set your fuel burn rate to 0.001 and film your test so others can see the results if you dont mind posting the film
I was intrigued by the comment that AH uses TAS for all performance aspects, and said to myself "That can't be right when it comes to stall speeds". So I did a little test offline:
again, I only posted that AH's ( & RL ) speed charts / climb charts / Energy Management charts all use TAS for their speed
I will end my participation in this thread now, with this last sentence ^^^
edit: btw,, welcome to Aces High if you are New to AH,
what might your gameid be online ? I haven't seen a BravoT online before........ are you new to AH? or just under a different bbs username and in game gameid?